[ 5 ] cherry

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[ word count: 785 ]

[ word count: 785 ]

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[ timeskip - a week before the drama club's performance ]

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[ timeskip - a week before the drama club's performance ]

y/n's pov

"hey, muichiro..can we rehearse today?" muichiro and i were getting ready to leave the art room. since we were forced to audition, we were excused on special days to rehearse for the play.

usually, we would practice with the whole cast in the theater room, but practice was canceled today due to ms. kanroji's teacher workshop, and i kind of wanted to play it safe and rehearse a final time before the play on friday.

"oh, sure i guess. we can go to my house," he replied as we both left the art room and started walking to his house.

he opened the door, holding it out for me to walk in.

as expected, his room had a ton of loose origami papers scattered around, along with a few paper airplane models.

"okay, let's start. you tend to have kinda bad memory, but you've been doing good with your lines so far so i think you'll be fine," i say as i set down my script on his desk.

"oh..thank you..you're pretty good too.." he replied with his face looking at a different direction.

he took his script out and we continued going over our scenes together.

"y/n...let's try the kiss scene."

"huh? oh..okay. sure," i replied to his statement. usually when we practice together he asks to skip the kiss scene, so i was taken aback by his request. i layer down on his bed with my hands on my stomach.

"i must awaken her with my love," he said before i felt him lean down.

i felt his hair tickle my face before feeling his lips on my cheek. doesn't he usually kiss my forehead during group rehearsal? i mean, ms. kanroji suggested it would be best to practice it like that so we'd get comfortable enough together..

i opened my eyes, his face inches away from mine. we felt closer. we weren't strangers like the first time we met. but in this moment, i felt like i was even closer to his heart.

he let out a small laugh. "you look like a cherry," he spoke before sitting up.

"hey you do too!" i laughed a little before getting up to sit next to him.

i know! how about i play the prince and you play snow white! then we'll see whos the cherry," i suggested. he gave an 'are you serious' expression before lying down on his bed.

i cleared my throat before repeating his lines, "i must awaken you with my love."

i leaned down, his eyes were closed and he mimicked my fake sleeping pose. i moved his hair out of his face before leaning down. i glanced down and saw his lips. they were soft.. i grazed my finger on his lips before hearing him laugh.

"you're really slow at this y/n..i think i'm a better prince."

"hey! fine.." i leaned down, placing a kiss on the tip of his nose. he opened his eyes, a dust of red spread across his cheeks.

"now you're the cherry," i told him.

he scowled a little before stuffing his pillow in his face. "mhm! i was right!" i took the pillow from his face.

"wanna take a break? we can eat a snack," i suggested. he stood up from his bed and put his hand on my cheek. his sudden actions caught me by surprise.

he leaned in and landed a kiss on the tip of my nose this time. it felt like..we grew closer, once again..

"now we're equal," he said before walking out of his room. i followed him to the kitchen. "...do you know how to make simmered radish?" he asked me.

i gave him a nod. "sure! i can make some- wait, so you really don't know how to cook?!"
i teased.

he shook his head before showing me where all the appliances and ingredients were. "does your brother ever cook for you?" i asked.

"he does...but i think your cooking tastes better," he stated. i continued with his request, dressing the dish in sweet miso. his eyes were filled with joy once he saw me finish.

"you know, it wouldn't hurt to smile like that more often," i told him.

he looked up at me, his face turning red again.

"i guess that's two points for me, you're a cherry again, so i'm in the lead!" i smiled at him, my face full of confidence.

he smiled back at me. "thanks y/n."

heat rushed to my face again. muichiro laughed again, "actually, we're still even. you're also a cherry now."


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