[ 14 ] blast yo booty

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[ word count: 843 ]

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"i shall now pronounce you, ariel, and you, prince whatever your name is, as husband and wife

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"i shall now pronounce you, ariel, and you, prince whatever your name is, as husband and wife. prince whatever, you may now kiss the bride!"

the sun was starting to set, the bright blue sky fading into a sea of stars, reflecting off the ocean.

kanao had just pronounced muichiro and i as husband and wife after a long while of playing mermaids. "psst..EVERYONE I HAVE A PRESENT!!" we heard mr. uzui's voice from our cook out set up on the shore.

we all walked out of the water and made our way towards him, his back facing us before he turned around with a large box of fireworks in his hands.



"y/n, look, i can draw a heart in the air with the sparklers," muichiro tapped my shoulder and waved his sparkler around in the air, making a heart shaped motion as the bright light of the firework showed his air design for what seemed like haf a second.

"it's really cute!" muichiro smiled at my words before mumbling something quietly but loud enough for me to hear, "you're cute.."

"okay, enough of this lovey dovey whatever and stuff, let's go find a place to watch the fireworks! it's almost time for the show!" nezuko interrupted us and dragged us to an area where everyone was lying down in the sand.

"hey, mr. sugar daddy, come watch the fireworks with us or i'll shove this sparkler up your butt and blast yo booty into the unknown," yuichiro shouted.

mr. uzui stepped over to lie down with us with a small scowl written on his face, though it soon melted into a smile as he felt the soft sand on his skin.

muichiro sat up before pulling me up, everyone around us began the countdown til midnight.

"this new year, i hope to spend every sing mment with you, and i promise to love you more and more as every second goes by," muichiro spoke through the countdown.

but as the clock strikes midnight, "and i'd use every single one of my chances and risks in my life to make sure you're in every outcome and prospect of my future.

a glowing spark appeared in the sky before exploding into a bright aerial.

muichiro leaned in to kiss me on my lips as the sky lit up with colors brighter than anything in the world.

"i love you a lot," muichiro smiled at me before leaning in to embrace me in his arms.

"i..i love you too, muichiro," i said, leaning into his chest while we enjoyed each other's company as the sky sparkled with all sorts of colors and shapes.

"AH YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE WHAT THE HECK," mr. uzui came in to join our hug, and invited everyone else in. "COME ON GROUP HUG EVERYONE!" he called, motioning with his hands.


"sooo, that was a first, right? HOW EXCITING!" nezuko squealed, shaking my shoulders. the girls had all dragged me to nexuko's room, while the boys went to the room muichiro and i were supposed to be staying in. we had decided to have a girls night, and talk about how we felt about the trip.

kanao continued styling my hair as nezuko continued squealing over muichiro and i.

"now THIS is what we've been waiting for! do you know how slow you two are? you and muichiro totally suck as relationships," aoi stated.

"how about this," nezuko continued, "after we visit the shrine tomorrow, you and muichiro should go and get some alone time. ya know, explore the city, and what not."

that wasn't a bad idea. in fact, it sounded really fun. i nodded in agreement.

"OH ALSO! i got some beads and stuff...i thought maybe we could make some jewelry and stuff," aoi brought out a kit with tons of different beads and charms.

we all opened the box, picking out beads and charms. i thought about what i wanted to make, until i saw a charm of flower, and a matching charm of a butterfly.

i picked out a few beads, cutting out two separate strings and connecting a clasp to each string.

"what are you making y/n?" nezuko asked, looking over at my set up.

i placed the flower charm on one string, and the butterfly one om the other. "im making matching phone straps for muichiro and i," i stated. nezuko's face lit up with a smile. "THATS SO ADORABLE!!"

"ah. so like he'd be the flower at the bottom and you'd be the butterfly on top of him."

a voice came through the door. yuichiro stood there, with a smug smirk.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?!?" nezuko jumped up in shock, "AND THATS NOT FUNNY..obviously muichiro's a switch.."

"what was that last part?" i asked.


yuichiro came in and placed a tray on the table. "mr. sugar daddy thought you guys could use a snack. now, have fun talking about..that stuff."

and with that, yuichiro walked out of the room.

and with that, yuichiro walked out of the room

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