Chapter 10: Kenzie's Transformations

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I haven't updated this book or my other book (The Game of S.A.T.) in a LONG LONG LONG time, and I an truly sorry beyond words. But I am updating now, so I'll get on with the chapter. Again, SORRY FOR THE TWO MONTH WAIT!

P.S. it might be kinda short but I'll update again soon DON'T KILL ME! (Fave phrase right there)

Kenzie's P.O.V.

"Is she ok?" I asked Donnie worriedly as he examined Abby's head. Leo had gone to the kitchen to try to find an ice pack, and Kayla and Mikey were either crying, or playing video games while hoping Abby was ok.

"She's just unconscious. For now. I don't have the tools here to tell if she has a concussion, so we'll only be able to tell when she wakes up."

I felt tears well up in my eyes. As sad as I was, they were also hot tears of anger. Sarah had done this! I thought I had prevented that from ever happening...

When I was in Pre-K, Sarah was a bully, but I was nice to her. We became friends and she stopped being so mean. Sure, she was still a hothead, but at least she didn't insult innocent kids.

In Kindergarten, we were captured by these weird people, seemingly triplets. They took us to a lab and experimented with us. They combined my DNA with a black bear, and injected Kenzie with a venom that made her anger flare much easier. It would cause her to hurt innocent people all over again, and this time I wouldn't be able to stop it.

However, I know something those triplet guys don't- the anger venom only works if the victim remembers being injected with it. So I asked my dad's friend, a scientist, to make a memory-wiping device. With this, I carefully erased Sarah's memory of the incident.

When she asked, a few years later, if I remembered anything peculiar about that day, I told her I remembered just a normal day. Apparently the memory wiper still left parts of the memory. And that was enough for the venom to work on very infrequent occasions.

That happened with Abby.

"Kenzie? Can you grab that ice pack?" Donnie asked, bringing me out of my thoughts. I stood up and retrieved the pack. Donnie looked up to take it from me, and froze. "Uh... uh... Kenzie?"

"What?" I spat, still angry at myself for not preventing this. Suddenly, pain shot through my head. I collapsed, screaming. Squirming on the ground, I felt my body transforming. Footsteps pounded into the lab. My nose grew into the muzzle of a black bear. The evil triplet guys' bear DNA was changing me. My memories as a human were fading. Where was I? Who are all these people?

"Kenz?" a voice whispered. I stood up and stared curiously at a human girl. What was a Kenz?

"What's a Kenz?" I asked. The girl's eyes widened and she backed away in fear. Why couldn't she understand? I could hear her! I looked at the big green monsters. Maybe I wasn't scaring her. Maybe it was them! The green thing with purple cloth around it's head gulped as I glared at it.

"K- kenzie..." he squeaked, shaking slightly. I growled. He was scaring the human, and I wanted to ask her what a Kenz was!

"Stop scaring the girl!" I yelled angrily. The green thing turned and ran. Satisfied that he wasn't coming back, I turned back to the girl, who was still frozen in fear. Another green thing rushed in, this time with a blue mask.

"Is that-" it started.

"Kenzie," the girl confirmed. Wait, was I the Kenz? I looked curiously at the green thing and the human. She had talked to it, but wasn't scared! So I must be the scary thing!

"Kenzie, can you understand me?" a new voice asked from behind me. I whipped around to see another green guy, with a red mask. Was it asking me?

"Can you hear me?" it asked again, more fiercely. I growled at it's persistence, but bobbed my head up and down.

"Say 'hello,'" it ordered. I rolled my eyes. That was easy!

"Hello!" I replied smugly. The thing glanced at the girl and the blue masked thing.

"Do you know who we are? Just shake your head. You can understand us, but we can't understand you. It sounds like a roar," the red masked one said. I shook my head no.

"Ok then. I'm Raph, a mutant turtle. The girl with annoyingly red hair is Sarah-" Raph was interrupted by the girl yelling 'Hey'- "and the blue masked turtle is Leo. The purple one is Donnie."

I nodded appreciatively. That made it easier.

"Do you remember being human? Think really hard," Raph explained. I complied.

Suddenly, I remembered who I was, where I was, everything. It all came rushing back. My eyes widened at Raph.

"I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed. He backed away, looking a little scared. That was surprising, he is Raph, after all. I cringed.

"Oops," I whispered. Hopefully a lower volume wouldn't scare them.

"Ok, that's a yes. Now what?" Raph asked, looking over at Sarah and Leo.

"Get Don back in here?" Leo suggested. Sarah nodded.

"DONNIE! GET IN HERE! KENZIE WON'T TRY TO KILL YOU THIS TIME!" Raph yelled loudly. A few seconds later, Donnie poked his head in.

"I'm good?" he asked, looking at me. I nodded. He stepped inside.

"Examine," Raph ordered, pointing at me. Donnie sighed and muttered under his breath. "What was that?"

"Nothing!" Donnie walked quickly over to his supplies. "Ok, uh, Kenzie, before I start, I want you to try to change back into a human."

I closed my eyes, concentrating. I tried to will myself to change form, but i stayed a bear. I opened my eyes and looked at Donnie again, shaking my head.

"Try again, but this time, think of something you miss about being a human."

Again I closed my eyes, but this time my focus was on memory, not changing form. I really wanted to be able to communicate with the turtles and my friends, so I thought about that.

"What did you think about?" Donnie asked me when I opened my eyes after another failed attempt.

"Uh..." I answered, not sure how to respond if they couldn't hear me. Donnie's eyes brightened when I "talked".

"Say a sentence."

"I thought about talking," I said. Donnie smiled.

"We can hear you!" he exclaimed. I blinked.

"That's great!"

Once again I shut my eyes, and thought about walking on two feet, having skin, and have a nose, not a muzzle, and how I wanted to do those things again.

I began to feel the changing sensation again. Eventually I felt like a human again. My clothes had changed from my fur back to clothes (thankfully) and everything was back to normal. Well, as normal as it could be after I was just a bear.

Sarah stared at me, then glared at me. "You've got some explaining to do, missy."

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