Chapter 11: Explaining The Bear

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Again, sorry for the lack of updates! I really need to start writing and stop reading, cuz that's what I've been doing. Sorry again!


Kenzie's P.O.V.

We were all sitting in the kitchen, waiting for me to begin. And by "all", I mean me, Sarah, Raph, and Donnie. Leo was getting Mikey and Kayla. And of course Abby was in the lab.

Mikey strolled in, followed by Kayla, and they were talking about some video game they had been playing.

"I'm telling you, that was so unfair! I glitched back as soon as I passed you!" Kayla said. Mikey grinned and shook his head.

"No, I won fair and square. You passed me, then I got in front of you and won!" he argued with a smile.

"But I glitched!" Kayla exclaimed, plopping down in a seat, pouting with arms crossed.

"What are you guys talking about?!" Donnie asked. Leo groaned.

"No, don't ask-" he was cut off.

"We were playing Minecraft PC, and we were playing Death Run on a server, and then we were racing, and Kayla got past me but then I got ahead of her and won!" Mikey explained. Kayla disagreed.

"But really, I had gone backwards without doing anything as soon as I passed him, so it was unfair!" she argues.

"This is the most pointless argument ever. Can't ya just say it was a tie or something?" Raph complained. The two gamers looked at him like he was insane.

"You can never-" Kayla began.

"Ever-" Mikey continued.

"Call it a tie." They said at the same time in creepy, whisper-y voices.

"Ok, anyway! Guys! We are here to find out why Kenzie was a bear! Not to solve the problems of 5-year-olds!" Sarah yelled over everyone.

I nodded. Kayla finally let Mikey's 'unfair' win go, and I got ready to explain.

"Ok, so. I was a bear.... obviously. And you wanna know how and why I was a bear..." I started awkwardly.

"Good job, you figured it out! Get on with the explanation!" Raph scoffed. I shot him a glare.

"Well, when me and Sarah were 7, we were captured by the Kraang. We didn't know that they were the Kraang until later, so for now I'll call them robots. Anyway, they took us to a lab and experimented on us. They injected me with bear DNA mixed with mutagen. That explains the bear part. Questions so far?" I took a break, knowing at least two people had questions. Donnie and Sarah.

Sure enough, Sarah's mouth exploded with words.

"Why didn't you tell me when I asked about that day?" "I was captured?" "What did they do to me?" "Why don't I remember any of this?!"

I waited for her to calm down before continuing. "I'll get to all your answers, Sarah. Now Donnie, yes?"

"Why did you turn into a bear now and not when the Kraang injected you? And why could you change back?"

"I don't know, that's what I'm trying to figure out, too. So Sarah asked what the robots did to her. They injected her with a serum making her anger uncontrollable. But I figured out something the robots hadn't - I know, surprising right? - the serum only worked if the victim remembered being injected.

"I went to my dad's scientist friend and asked for a memory wiping device. He reluctantly made it, and I used it to take away Sarah's memory if the Kraang capture. But not all of the memory. Sarah still very vaguely remembered some of the memory, including the sight of the needle used to inject her. I didn't know until it happened with Abby, but that small piece of memory is enough to very, very infrequently put the serum into effect for a short amount of time."

Donnie was staring in awe and looked as if he was thinking. Sarah looked shocked, and when she looked up at me, I saw hurt in her eyes. I should've told her sooner instead of lying. Leo and Raph were silent, and Mikey and Kayla probably weren't even listening.

Sarah opened her mouth to say something, but never got the chance. A loud crash came from Donnie's lab, and sounded like glass shattering.

I leapt up and sprinted to the lab. Abby was there, awake, with green ooze covering her body. A broken glass container was on the ground with the green stuff spilling out of it. I gasped, knowing instantly what it was from my years of TMNT watching; Mutagen!

Abby's shrieks if pain filled the lair as she began to transform. The others came rushing in. Donnie whispered, "Oh no!"

Suddenly Abby was quiet. She had collapsed behind a desk. I slowly walked toward her, peering over the desk to see her mutation. I gasped when I realized what Abby had become.


I know, I'm evil. I don't update for a month and then give you this. And just so you know, this wasn't a short chapter to write, it took a while, so don't be complaining that it's short, K? Good. No one complains ever, anyway, so idek why i put that. You guys seem to love my writing! Thanks for all the support ❤️. Bye! I will try to update more, promise!


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