Chapter 22: Mutagen Destroyers! (Part 2)

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Still Third Person POV

"No! Abby!" Kenzie yelled, turning away from the Kraang she was currently fighting. One grabbed her arm, shoving her against the wall. They trained their guns on her, but didn't fire this time.

Sarah fought her way over to her fallen friend, defending her. Abby's right arm had burnt skin surrounding two small spots where the laser had hit. The third one had missed seriously inuring her, but had still grazed her cheek and left a burn, narrowly missing her eye.

Eventually, Sarah was overpowered, and was trapped in Abby's corner with her pain-ridden friend.

Abby was still awake, but she was in no position to do anything. Her arm hung limp at her side, and her vision was blurred. She squeezed her eyes shut and grit her teeth, but that only made the injury on her cheek hurt more. She let out a pained yelp.

Mikey hopped over to Kenzie, helping her protect herself from the oncoming droids.

Donnie joined Raph in defending Leo, worriedly glancing at the trapped girls. While Sarah was focused on fighting one side of the foes around her, two Kraang droids on the other side ungracefully grabbed Sarah. The robots dragged her to a door, opened it, and proceeded to push her down it. Sarah struggled against their grip, but it was no use.

Raph saw the door close out of the corner of his eye. He yelled to his purple-clad brother, "Donnie! I'm going after them!"

He pointed to the closed door with one of his sais, and flipped off the vat of mutagen before his brother could respond. Raph stabbed the lock with his weapon, opening the door just in time to see Sarah shoved onto a chair that looked like it came from a dentist. They strapped bonds over her wrists and ankles.

"Kraang must extract DNA from the one known as Sarah. Then Kraang will only need what is known as DNA from the one known as Kenzie," one Kraang said. Raph growled.

"The ones known as Kraang will be taken out by the one known as me!" he yelled as he sprinted down the hallway. A dozen droids came out and started fighting him while the initial two held up a syringe.

"Where do all those things come from?!" Raph exclaimed as he fought, exasperated.

A Kraang injected the needle into Sarah's arm, while the second held her still. It carefully took blood, but once it had enough, it kept going.

"If they keep it up, she'll pass out," Raph muttered under his breath, jumping over the remaining 'guard' droids and flipping in mid air. He brought one sai down on each droid, smashing their robotic heads in. He then stabbed the syringe, spilling the red substance inside all over the floor.

"Gross!" he gagged, hurriedly undoing Sarah's metal restraints. She opened her eyes wearily, swinging her legs over the side and standing. She wobbled, put off from the blood taken from her arm. She grabbed onto Raph for support.

"Raph! Sarah! We're blowing it! Hurry!" Leo called from outside the broken door.

"Sewer apples," Raph cursed before uncomfortably putting Sarah on his shell. She blinked.

"I can walk," she insisted, but her words were slurred a little and Raph knew she couldn't hold her own weight.

"Look, I'm not happy about this either, but you can't walk. As in, you're physically unable to. So I'm carrying you," Raph scowled, obviously unhappy with his current position. He ran swiftly into the main room, where Abby was over Donnie's shoulder and Kenzie leaned on Mikey. Leo stood next to them, all of the team lined up on the side of the roof.

Except for Raph and Sarah.

Raph was sprinting around the laser bullets coming from the last few Kraang guns, panting heavily. He unhooked his grappling hook and, careful that Sarah didn't fall off, scaled the wall and reached his family and friends.

They all ran away from TCRI as Leo cued the explosives. They watched as the top floor of TCRI shattered, reducing the remaining Kraang droids to piles of rubble. When they were far enough away, Raph put Sarah down and caught his breath, breathing heavily from the long sprint with extra weight on his shell.

"You're... heavier... than you.... look," he panted to Sarah, who was now leaning on Kenzie.

"Whoops," she said with a smirk, her voice tired.

"Let's get home, team," Leo said, looking at Abby, who was now unconscious on Donnie's shoulder.

They hurried down the manhole, quiet the entire way to the lair.


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