Chapter 3: Dilema

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"Whoa whoa!" I yelped, holding my hands out in front of me. "What's with the swords?!"

"Them," Raph growled, pointing over our shoulders. I whirled around and saw Purple Dragons. Mikey noticed them, too, and whirled his nunchucks.

"Well, if it isn't the green freaks," one Dragon taunted, a knife glinting in his hand.

"And those girls!" another said, pointing at me and my friends. How they remembered us, I don't know. But the sight of Sarah made them uneasy, that's for sure.

The turtles sped into action, jumping and kicking. In minutes, the dragons were bruised and battered and retreated.

"Just what I needed," Raph smirked, amused. I glanced at my friends, sure the excitement in my eyes was obvious. Kenzie had turned to watch the fight, but her gaze was emotionless and distant.

"Kenzie? Anybody home?" I teased, waving a hand in front of her gaze. She shook her head, probably to clear it.

"Sorry. I was just thinking," she replied.

"You were thinking for a long time," I told her, earning an 'I'll-tell-you-later' look. I gave her a suspicious look but dropped the question.

Sarah looked at Kenzie, then at the turtles, then at me and said, "Now what?"

"First, how did the Dragons know you?" Leo questioned.

"They, um, attacked us before. They must have remembered us," I quickly explained.

"So who are you guys?" Sarah asked, even though she already knew.

"I'm Leonardo, but call me Leo. This is Donatello, or Donnie or Don. Raphael or Raph, and Michelangelo or Mikey," Leo explained. I nodded to show that I understood.

"Do you guys wanna come to our lair?" Mikey asked. His brothers stared at him, horrified, while I looked at Kenzie with an excited smile, waiting for her approval.

"I guess," she replied cooly. Kayla laughed in delight.

"Yay! Friends!" Mikey exclaimed happily.

Kayla high fived - um, high threed him. I smiled happily, and Sarah nodded, content. Kenzie smiled, but something told me it wasn't genuine.

She's probably just uneasy, I told myself.

"Mikey, we can't let humans in the lair! Splinter's gonna flip!" Donnie exclaimed. Mikey's face fell.


"We don't have to come," I assured, though inside I was disappointed.

"But you're our new friends!" Mikey insisted, turning to Leo.

"Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease?" Mikey begged.

Leo pursed his lips, then shook his head. "We can't let them come."


"No buts!" Leo interrupted, making Kayla snicker at his choice of words. "Let's go. We're skipping patrol tonight."

The turtles retreated back into the sewers, closing the grate behind them. But not before Sarah stuck her foot between the grate and the hole, making sure the turtles were gone before lifting it up.

"Come on, let's follow them," she proposed, preparing to jump down.

"No, we are not following the mutant turtles with ninja weapons through the sewers," Kenzie snapped in disapproval, but her face softened when Kayla gave her the puppy dog eyes.

"Please?" Kayla begged, holding it out. Kenzie waved her hand.

"You guys can go. I'm not coming," she muttered, turning to walk away. I frowned, but turned to Sarah. She grinned, jumping down, and was soon followed by me. Kayla went down last, and Sarah climbed up the ladder and pulled the cover back over the hole. As we were about to walk away there was a scratching noise as the manhole was removed, and Kenzie dropped down aa well.

She jogged to catch up with us, not making eye contact. We let her take the lead, and we all went in the direction of light.

Upon arriving at the light, I saw three tunnels, and the very back of a turtle's shell at the end of one, turning the corner.

"This way!" I directed, running down the middle tunnel. I turned left and spotted the turtles a few pipes down.

"We'll go back up at the next alley. We can't let those girls see us again," we heard Leo explain.

"Hey!" Sarah called to them. The turtles' heads whipped around, eyes widened in alarm. They relaxed as they recognized us but were still on guard. We hurried over to them.

"Or not," Leo sighed to his brothers.

"We're coming," Kenzie stated firmly. Raph and Leo exchanged glances.

"Fine. But keep up."

A/N: Yeah, yeah, it's short, I know. BUT DON'T WORRY! I'ma make all the next chapters over 900 words ☺️

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