Chapter 4: Following The Leo

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Everyone was silent as we followed the turtles to their lair. We followed a straight path for a while, but eventually came to a crossroads.

"So... Where to?" I asked, glancing down the passages.

"Oo! Ooo!!!! I'll lead the way!!!" Mikey exclaimed. He strolled down a tunnel. My friends and I took a hesitant step after him, but I stopped when I noticed the turtles' amused expressions. My friends continued, and a wooden stick slammed down in front of them.

Oh, sorry, a bō staff.

"Don't follow Mikey," I informed with a shrug, implying that I was just guessing. Donnie said it at the exact same time as me, and we looked at each other weirdly.

"Awkward!" Kayla whisper-yelled to Kenzie and Sarah. I glared at her.

"So, who exactly are you?" Leo asked. I chuckled nervously, glancing at my friends. We all knew I tended to say more then what was needed.

"Welllll..." I started. "I am Abigail, also known as Abby. And, uh, I guess I'm pretty smart. Oh, and I love popcorn," I described. 'Popcorn' echoed through the tunnels. I than gestured to Sarah.

"This, is Sarah. She gets angry pretty fast sometimes, and she's really overprotective. She does have a light side though," I grinned at my said friend, who was rolling her eyes with a smirk.

Nodding in Kenzie's direction, I said, "That's Mackenzie, also known as Kenzie or Kenz to Kayla. She is arguably the leader of our group—"

"Is the leader!" she cut in. Sarah shoved her shoulder playfully.

"—but also loves to have fun. She usually never trusts anyone who doesn't seem trustworthy. And that leaves Kayla."

"Yeah, you saved the best for last!" Kayla exclaimed, standing proudly.

"Or the least for last," Sarah snickered, not loud enough for Kayla to hear. I giggled.

"Mikayla, or Kayla, is very hyper sometimes. She is usually always enthusiastic and likes to ride her scooter everywhere," I finished. Did I mention I'm the worst at summarizing?

"We didn't need a whole life story," Raph muttered.

Suddenly, the orange-masked subject of talk came running back.

"Wrong tunnel!" Mikey yelled to us as he ran down another. Raph face palmed, Leo groaned, and Donnie called him back.

"Mikey! Wrong one again!" he called down the tunnel. Mikey came sprinting back.

"I knew that," he said, but didn't run down another tunnel.

"I think I'll lead the way," Leo offered and everyone nodded. He walked down the biggest tunnel and we all followed. After about 5 minutes, we saw a light. As we walked closer, we could see some of the lair. The living room, the hallway to the turtles' bedrooms. At the entrance, my friends and I stopped.

I tried to leap over the turnstiles at the entrance, but ended up shimmying over. Kayla easily hopped over, Sarah just pushed it open, and Kenzie brought up the rear.

"Welcome to our awesome aboat!" Mikey said to us, gesturing for us to come in.

Donnie face palmed and I said, "Um, actually, it's abode, not aboat."

"Yeah, aboat isn't even a thing," Donnie backed up matter-of-factly. I grinned a little at his wording: a boat was a thing, but not aboat. I decided to take a shot at his tolerance.

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