Chapter 17: The Creeping Doom

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A/N: This chapter is based on the newest TMNT episode, The Creeping Doom. It's my new favorite TMNT episode 😂
I'm sorry I had to 😂😂😂
P.S. The new nickname for this book is LWT

Abby's P.O.V.

"My sons. Where have you been?" Splinter demanded when we arrived at the lair. His eyes landed on Karaii. "My daughter..." he said softly.

"The SSSSSSShredder isssss my father," Karaii hissed.

"I see she is still under Shredder's control," Splinter noted, and I noticed a bit of disappointment in his voice.

"Sensei, since she poses as a threat until she is released from Shredder's mind control, we need to keep her tied up somewhere... but where do we keep her?" Leo asked. Splinter stroked his long beard-string thing.

"Keep her in Donatello's laboratory. Donatello, my son, do you think you could create an antidote for the mind control worm?" Splinter ordered and asked with authority. Donnie nodded.

"I'll try my best, Sensei, but I can't say for sure whether I can make a cure or not."

Splinter dipped his head in a small nod. Then he turned to me.

"Abigail, please help Donatello in finding this cure," he requested.

"Hai, Sensei," I said, smiling at how natural the words felt in my mouth. He smiled back. Suddenly, I remembered why we had to bring Karaii to the lair in the first place. Me.

"Um, Master Splinter, before I help Donnie, can I speak with you? Alone?" I asked. Splinter nodded, and beckoned for me to follow him into the dojo.

"What is troubling you, my daughter?" he asked. I was surprised he called me 'daughter', and he noticed. Splinter smiled. "You are living with us, and I will begin training you soon. I will look at all of you as my daughters now."

I smiled in understanding. "So.. anyway. While we were at the go karts - I assume you know that Donnie made a track for us to race on down here - we were attacked by Foot bots!" I exclaimed.

"We started fighting, and then my vision got all fuzzy, and all I could see was white. By the time it went away, I had destroyed any bots that were close to me and almost attacked Kenzie, too. Then she pretend-shoved me, and the white came back and this time when it ended, I had Kenzie pinned on the floor," I nervously told him what happened, and also informed him on everything that happened with Karaii.

"And I can't remember anything that happens when my vision gets all white and fuzzy," I sighed. I looked up at Splinter.

"This is interesting, Abigail. Thank you for telling me. I do not yet know what it means, but it seems as if your new, mutated form has the skills of my sons. However, since your mind does not know the skills yet, your body takes over and uses my sons' training against any threats to your safety, even if they are your friend," Master Splinter explained wisely.

"Thanks, Master Splinter," I thanked (ha, obviously). I excused myself, and was about to leave when Splinter called me back.

"Abigail, before you leave, I would like to know why you brought this situation to me," he questioned. I thought about it.

"Well, I guess this kind of thing just seemed like something you would know how to explain. Donnie wants to run tests on me, but I don't think he'll find anything useful. Besides, I trust you with this kind of thing, like... like how I trust my father," I smiled at my new sensei, and he smiled warmly in return. "Thanks again, Sensei."

"You are very welcome, my daughter. I will meditate on it, and inform you if I find any more information."

I nodded politely and exited the dojo, thankful that I asked Splinter but also worried about what he said. If my body took over in a serious fight, I could end up badly injuring one of the turtles or my friends.

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