Chapter 20: Answers

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Abby's P.O.V.

"So the Kraang and Shredder have mutagen with all of our DNA in it and they're gonna use it to control us," Raph summed up after we related the story to everyone. I nodded. "Great!" he exclaimed sarcastically.

"We need to find a way to destroy those mutagen containers," Kenzie determined.

"Well we know they're probably being kept in TCRI," Donnie pointed out. "We need a plan to sneak in and destroy or steal them, but make it look like we were just on a stealth mission. We can't let Shredder know we're onto him."

"And we also need to find out how the Kraang got our DNA in the first place. The only encounter any of us have had with the Foot is when Karaii led that group of them to attack, and we destroyed all of those bots, so they couldn't notify Shredder. And Karaii is here," I reminded everyone.

"So how do you propose we figure it out?" Sarah asked with her arms crossed.

"Well, I think we need to watch what we say when we're topside, even if its in our own apartments," I recommended.

"Why?" Kayla asked.

"Because I think we're being watched."

The room fell silent. Leo spoke first.

"By who, exactly?" he questioned.

"I don't know, but the only way Shredder would know is if someone is spying on us," I replied.

"Or one of us is a traitor," Raph growled, but I shook my head.

"I've known my friends all my life, and they would never join the Foot," I protested.

"Yeah! I know none of us would join Shred-head, either," Mikey agreed.

"Ok, so we'll be careful what we say up top. What else?" Sarah interrogated.

"Well, the rest is up to Leo and Kenzie to make a plan. They're the leaders, after all," Donnie answered with a pointed look at the leaders.

"We'll discuss that later," Kenzie replied hurriedly. I looked at her with confusion, but she gave me an 'I'll-tell-you-later' look. That reminded me of something else she told me she'd tell me later, from when we first met the turtles.

"Ok," I replied, disguising my curiosity. I shared a look with Donnie; we both wanted to know what she was hiding.

"So it's settled then. When will the plan be ready?" he asked.

"By tomorrow night at the latest," Leo deadlined.

"Ok. I'll be in my room!" I announced. "I mean, I'll be in Donnie's room!" I added.

I went into Donnie's room, leaving the door open so I could see if Kenzie walked past. I was going to figure out what she was hiding.

I grabbed my phone, pretending to play something on it but really watching the doorway from the corner of my eye.

Eventually, Kenzie came up to head to her room. As soon as I heard the door close, I stood up and walked over.

"Kenzie? You in there?" I asked, even though I already knew.

"Yeah," she replied, opening the door with a smirk. "I knew you'd hunt me down for answers."

I grinned. "Well, obviously." I walked in and collapsed casually on her bed.

"So, what first?" she asked, sitting on the bed. I sat up.

"Well, why did you look like you already knew the turtles when we first met them?" I questioned.

"Well..." Kenzie began.

"She's met them before," someone said from the doorway. I looked to see Sarah standing there with her arms crossed, Raph behind her with his normal guarded expression.

"What?" I exclaimed, turning my attention back to Kenzie. But her gaze was on Raph.

"You knew?" she asked quietly. Raph hesitated.

"Well, yeah. You don't exactly just forget about it when the first human you've ever met is captured by weird people and you never see then again, when your only seven," he replied with a usual hint of sarcasm. Kenzie slumped her shoulders, something I've never seen her do.

"I should've come back to tell you guys I was ok, but Sarah needed me. And I was here way to often. Sarah was starting to get suspicious," she sighed.

"I'm not saying I'm mad," Raph replied. I looked at him.

"Really?" I asked sarcastically. He glared at me.

"Fine. I'm a little mad," he fixed his statement.

"Uh huh," I replied, disbelieving. "So, please explain."

Kenzie explained how she had been friends with the turtles before she met Kayla and I, and how she and Sarah were captured by the Kraang and experimented on. She then went in to explain why she had been hesitant to talk about the plan.

"I don't know if I can help come up with a plan. I don't know my way around TCRI, and I have no experience planning stealth missions," Kenzie groaned.

"I can make one if you want," I offered. She looked at me warily.

"But what about Leo?" she asked.

"Raph can tell him that I'm doing it. Right Raphie?" I said, smiling innocently. Raph growled but didn't object. "Good boy."

He growled again.

"I'm heading back to the lab. To work on the plan. I already got my answers. Also, I'm gonna tell Donnie about all this," I smirked, strolling out before I heard Kenzie call my name.

"Abby!" she yelled, but she wasn't that angry.

"Bye!" I laughed and sprinted to the lab, hurriedly closing the door behind me.

"What's that for?" Donnie asked when I started licking it.

"Long story," I replied.

"So what are we gonna do about Kenzie?" he asked, thankfully not pressing the matter.

"I talked to her," I replied, opening a drawer, searching for paper, and closing it. I did the same in the next drawer, except I found what I was looking for.

"What's that for?" Donnie questioned, looking over my shoulder.

"I need a pen and the TCRI map," I stated, ignoring his question.

"Uh, ok," he said, walking over to a desk and tossing the items to me. I caught them, uncapped the pen, unrolled the map, and started on my diagram.

"Abby," Donnie said. I ignored him. "Abby!" Still didn't respond. "Abby, what are you doing?!"

I sighed. "Making a plan to sneak into TCRI," I finally answered.

"But Leo and Kenzie-"

"Aren't gonna make a plan," I finished. He raised an eyebrow.

"Huh? Why not?"

"Kenzie doesn't know anything about TCRI or planning stealth missions. So I offered to make a plan," I explained. "Also, Kenzie is the girl who was apparently your guys' friend a long time ago."

Donnie's eyes widened. "Really?"


"Wow," he breathed. I nodded, turning back to my work.

Time to make a plan.

This chapter is 1111 words (not including this A/N)
So yeah. Hope you like this chapter! It was kind of a filler chapter....
Anyway, don't forget to enter your OC (Own Character) into the OC Contest! I still need a mysterious assassin and Shredder's secret daughter/son. You can also enter for Kayla's younger sibling, but then you'll have competition 😂
OH! ALSO! Check out my new book Take Back What's Mine. It's a Minecraft book, featuring my MC OC, Donna Mine (but call her Donnie or she'll kill you ☺️)
Welp, time to go work on other stories (maybe).
~Donnie Not The Real Donnie🐢💜

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