Chapter 13: Lazy Day

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Abby's P.O.V.

A day had passed since my mutation, and we still hadn't left the lair. I could tell the boys were starting to wonder why.

I caught Donnie studying me curiously. I rolled my eyes.

"Ok, what is it? Just ask, already, because something is obviously bothering all you turtles," I said. Mikey laughed.

"That includes you now, ya know! Cause you're a turtle like us!" he giggled. I smirked.

"Well then, something is obviously bothering all you turtle boys." I emphasized.

"Well...." Leo started.

"Won't your parents be wondering where all you are?" Donnie finished. I sighed and looked at my friends. We all knew this would come up eventually.

"Our parents are gone," I replied quietly.

"Oh, we're sorry, we didn't know!" Leo exclaimed.

"They aren't dead."

"What? But you said-" Raph argued.

"They disappeared one day. I'm starting to think it was the Kraang." Sarah answered.

"But how did they all just.. disappear?" Donnie asked.

"We don't know! We were 12 when it happened. First Kayla's, than Abby's, than Sarah's, than mine..." Kenzie trailed off.

"We were sixteen by the time Kenzie's disappeared. It was only a few months ago," I said solemnly.

"It was terrible... and I bet it those stinkin' robots' fault!" Sarah growled.

"Sarah," Kenzie said in a warning tone. Sarah immediately calmed down.

"I'm sorry," Donnie said softly. I smiled.


We all just sat there in an awkward silence for a while before Kayla perked up conversation.

"Soooooooo watcha guys wanna do?" she probed.

"I think we should explain to Abby what I was explaining before the... incident." Kenzie suggested. I nodded, always eager for info. Kenzie went in to explain what had happened when I was unconscious, and I was surprised to learn she had been a bear. She told everyone about that fateful day (woah that was cheesy) when she and Sarah were captured by the Kraang, were injected with stuff, blah blah blah, you know already.

Sarah, at first, looked upset that Kenzie never told her this, but once she realized that Kenzie was trying to help, she was good. Donnie wanted to run tests on Sarah and Kenzie to find out more about the injections, because the only type of mutagen they had ever seen were in canisters

We all crowded into the lab, curious to find out more. Donnie ran a DNA test, used a cool mutagen-scanner, and examined my two friends' blood cells to find something.

Finally, he figured out that the serum used on Kenzie hadn't worked until now because one, it took a week to kick in after it's injected, and two, Kenzie seemed to unknowingly resist the urge to transform. However, she became so distracted and frustrated by what happened to me that she didn't, therefore transforming. If that's too advanced for you, blame Donnie, because those were his exact words.

"Well, my brain hurts now, so how about we go do something?" Kenzie suggested.

"Ok, good idea. What do you guys like to do?" Leo asked. I smiled.

"I love to read and play Minecraft! We all love Minecraft, actually, but I'm the best," I said. Kayla protested.

"Nuh uh, I'm the best! I always beat you on PC!"

"Yeah, on PC! I'm the best at Pocket Edition!" I specified. She crossed her arms grumpily.

"Well, yeah, but that's the kind for beginners," she huffed.

"No it's not, you've argued against that statement before!" I replied, smirking triumphantly. She sighed, giving up.

"Mikey likes Minecraft, and we've all played it before. Donnie, can we get it on our T-Phones?" Leo said. Donnie nodded.

"Yup! Mikey already has it, so I have practice downloading it."

We waited as Donnie downloaded Minecraft on their phones, and than we played!

Everyone joined my world and the boys were amazed by my buildings. It was in creative though, so I had unlimited resources. I had a hard time working the controls but Mikey gladly taught me how to work the D-Pad with 3 fingers.

I used a fishing rod and starting pulling people everywhere, and saying random letters in the chat. I even changed my name and skin to Herobrine really quick and scared them all! Raph yelled in anger when I started placing blocks behind his back. It was really fun!

Eventually we got bored, so we decided to go topside. The boys had patrol anyway, so they had to go. I stayed on the roofs with them while my friends walked on the sidewalk below us. There was one point where I was too scared to jump across a building so Donnie gave me a piggy back ride across.

The boys beat some Purple Dragons, but other than that the night was uneventful. We headed home and had a movie night. I made popcorn, and we just chilled and watched Harry Potter movies. Well, only the first 2, but still.

Finally we went to bed. It had been a fun day, and we were all tired. Immediately, I laid down on my shell and fell asleep.

A/N: Ok I'm sorry it's not the best chapter but it's late and I'm tired so bear with me. I was gonna update sooner, but didn't get around to it... then I noticed this book has 1.07K reads and I silently screamed and finished this chapter! (•COMMENT A SMILEY FACE IF YOU READ THIS WHOLE THING SO FAR•) THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 1K READS THAT'S AMAZING!!!! I'll definitely post a 1K special sometime soon (I promise I'll try) so please please please comment ideas below! Thanks soooooo much again! Bye!

-Donnie 😘☺️😂☺️1⃣K

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