Chapter 29: Rescue Mission (Part 1)

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Third Person POV

Kayla sat in the guest room, staring at the picture set as her phone's background while she laid on her bed. A frown caressed her face, her eyes gleaming with sorrow. The picture showed a 5-year-old Kayla with her parents, with her dad holding her four-year-younger sister.

Kayla's thoughts were running wild with memories of her family; her little sister, her mom and dad, and more. But now the Kraang had her family, and Kayla didn't know what had happened to them.

A knock came from the door that jolted Kayla from her thoughts.

"It's Mikey!" a cheerful voice rang out. Kayla quickly brightened her expression and stood up to open the door.

"Hey Mikey," she replied with equal enthusiasm. Mikey grinned.

"Leo said to tell you that we're leaving for the mission soon," the orange-masked turtle informed. Kayla nodded, murmuring her thanks before shutting the door again. Her heart pounded at the thought of returning to Shredder's lair. While her concussion was pretty much gone, the cut on her stomach that she'd received from the Footbots still wasn't completely healed, and she did not want to face those robot soldiers again.

She had to, though. Leo had this whole plan set up, with which people would enter from which side and whatnot. The two things that kept Kayla from hiding and refusing to go were the fact that the turtles amd her friends would be there to help, and that she might find her family at TCRI.

That was her plan. While her friends would be helping the turtles find any more mutagemia the Kraang may have, Kayla would be searching TCRI for her parents and sister, Samantha. Hopefully they were ok and the Kraang hadn't hurt them. That is, if the Kraang even had them. She still didn't know for a fact, but it was worth a try.

Kayla looked at her phone screen again. "I'll get you guys out. I promise."


"The one known as Test Subject K3 is requested for testing."

The Kraang's monotonous voice reached the ears of a mutant curled up in a ball inside a Kraang cell. TCRI was the home of an entire floor of prison areas, at least where the Kraang inhabited it. Only a few cells were full. In four of the cells were 4 pairs of adults, all looking exhausted and sick of being locked up. Another held a young girl, only 13 years old. She was a mutant, but a unique one indeed.

The Kraang had been eager to create new types of mutagen. The original kind turned the victim into the last thing they touched, like how the turtles had last touched a human, so they became humanoid, or how Snake was touching the grass, and he became a giant weed. The Kraang began testing with mutagen that would only alter part if the body while making other parts stay the same, and at the same time were developing mutagemia.

When tested on mice, the rodents grew dog-like paws while the rest of them stayed the same. The Kraang then decided to test it on humans, and their first victim was this young girl.

The mutagen was technically a variation of mutagemia. It had fox DNA in it that had turned the girl's ears into that of a fox, cause her to grow a tail, and make whiskers appear on her face. The girl's eyes were also altered; they were once a light green color, but now they were yellow, like a fox.

The girl sat in her cell, ears flattened and tail curled up when the Kraang came to retrieve her. She growled at them, the sound almost natural because of her mutation, but the robotized aliens ignored it and yanked her out of the cell and into a testing room.

"Stop! Get your metal hands off of me!" the girl yelled.

"Kraang will not do what is known as 'stop'. Kraang will test Subject Samantha Krier until Kraang sees fit."

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