Chapter 39: I Spy

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"Hello, Kraang," the Shredder greeted coldly as the holographic-communication system revealed their robotic faces and showed his to them.

"Greetings, Master Shredder," the five of them replied monotonously. "What does the one known as you request from Kraang?"

"I want all the information you have on the girl, Dalilah."

The alien robots turned to each other and conversed briefly before one scurried away. It returned a moment later, informing, "We accept the one known as Shredder's request."

Shredder narrowed his eyes at the Kraang, nodding once before he growled, "Good. Bring it to me immediately. I will meet you at the docks."

The call clicked off with one button press. The armored man stood and called, "Tiger Claw! Bradford!" The minions in question scurried into the throne room. "I am going to meet the Kraang for a delivery. Bradford, stay and watch Dalilah."

Rhazaar nodded once, turning on his heel as he exited.

"Tiger Claw, you will come with me."


Waiting for Shredder to return, Dalilah paced in the bedroom she'd been calling hers, impatient and nervous. She knew she had to go along with the turtles' plan, but she also knew she was going to take a peek in the file before she gave it to them. She did genuinely want to know, too, after all.

She mentally groaned when she remembered who would be accompanying her to the turtles' set-up. Dalilah had no way to warn to turtles of this because she would risk getting caught by Rhazaar, Fishface, or another one of Shredder's henchmen. This meant that the turtles would have to think on their feet; Dalilah knew they would never fight their friends. This was a huge blow to their plan! What would they do?

Dalilah was aware that they had to go through with the plan, no matter what. If they chickened out now, the Shredder would catch them, and it wouldn't end well for anyone.

Well, it might work out for Shredder, but that's the exact opposite of the objective.

Dalilah sighed, falling onto the bed. She could only hope the turtles' plan would work, even with the unexpected turn of events.

A short time later, she heard the loud bang! that indicated Shredder's return as he closed his throne rooms doors behind him. No sooner had Dalilah stood up than Tiger Claw knocked harshly on her door, announcing that the Shredder wanted to see her.

Dalilah exited the bedroom, shooting Tiger Claw a glare of annoyance for almost breaking her door down before hurrying to Shredder's throne room. As she approached, Dalilah could hear Shredder speaking with someone whose voice she didn't recognize.

"And any memories of the turtles and their allies are erased?" Shredder's voice questioned.

"Yeszzz, Maszzzter Szzzhredder," a terrifying voice confirmed. Dalilah felt her heart skip a beat; whoever's voice that was, they were very creepy. It almost sounded like a bug.

Dalilah never got to see the speaker as she hurried to enter the room and kneel before Shredder. The faint sound of something flapping could be heard down another hallway, and Dalilah resisted a shudder.

"Dalilah, I have retrieved your requested file from the Kraang."

She tilted her head up slightly, and saw that the Shredder's arm was held out. A manila folder was in his outstretched hand, and Dalilah slowly rose and took it. Her heart sped up; she did it! She had the file and now all she had to do was–

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