Chapter 6: Singing to Donnie (and Everyone Else)

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Donnie's P.O.V.

(During prank)

"HAHAHAHA!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU FELL FOR THAT!!!" Abby laughed, rolling on the floor cracking up. I looked at her, then at Kenzie, confused. What were they laughing about? They just told me Kenzie had mind-reading powers. The way she said it made me feel like she wasn't lying.

"Wha?" I asked without realizing how pathetic it sounded. I was so confused! And that's rare for me!

"We totally tricked you Don, that was HILARIOUS!!!" Abby exclaimed, falling over into another laughing fit. Then it hit me. They tricked me! Kenzie didn't have mind-reading powers. I bet Abby just figured Mikey would try to break into my room! My confusion turned to embarrassment and anger. Mostly embarrassment.

I glared at them and stormed to my lab for the 2nd time today. What was it with these girls, especially Abby, that made my temper go off? It was weird.

As I walked into my lab, I bumped into Raph. Looking around, I saw Leo and Mikey there, too. All three of them were cracking up.

"Dude, that was awesome! You got tricked by girls!" Mikey laughed. I sighed. Here we go again.

"Yeah, and that's the 2nd time you've humiliated yourself in front of them!" Raph noted smugly. I glared and they all laughed again.

"And one of them is your girlfriend!" Leo exclaimed, gasping for breath while laughing.

"Hey, April isn't here, and she's not my girlfriend!" I argued. They looked at me with smirks on their faces. "What?"

"You know what! We're talking about your other girlfriend," Raph snickered.

"You know, Abby," Mikey taunted.

"Yeah, Abby's your..." Leo said, trailing off.

"GIRLFRIEND!!!" they all yelled in unison. I glared at them.

"She is NOT my girlfriend!!!" I shouted at them.

Oh no! I thought. Abby was gonna be maaaaaaad that we said words at the same time.... again!

Abby's P.O.V.

I stared in shock at the lab door. Really? Again? And right now? I walked over to the lab and pounded on the door.

"Open up, brainiac!" I shouted, ignoring the laughs from Kenzie and Sarah. The door cracked open a little.

"Yes?" Donnie asked, looking through the opening with one eye.

"Lemme in right now or I unleash the wrath of hotheads on you!" I yelled. He backed up, surprised at my sudden outburst, and opened the door all the way.

"Thank you. Now, would you like to explain WHY YOU YELLED THE SAME THING AS ME AGAIN?!" I shouted at his face.

"And you think I have anger issues," Raph muttered to Leo, who snorted.

"I heard that!" I snapped. "Now, Donatello, EXPLAIN!"

"Uh.. well... uh..." he stuttered. His brothers started laughing.

"SHUT UP AND TELL ME!!!" I screamed, giving them all death glares. They all went silent. "Leo?"

"We were teasing Donnie about y- April being his girlfriend," he explained.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes," Leo replied.

"Really really?"

"Yes!" Raph groaned.

"Really really really?" I grinned.

"YES!!!" they all (minus Mikey) yelled. I laughed.

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