Chapter 28: Doubtful Discovery

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Important A/N at the end if you applied a character back when I still had the OC contest up.


Third Person P.O.V.

In the dead of night, Oroku Saki sat up on his throne, a holographic video of Kraang Prime projected in front of him. The Foot clan leader had his helmet off, revealing the burn marks on the right side of his face from the fire that killed Teng Shen.

"I want that mutagen, and I want it now," Saki growled at the large pink blob. Kraang Prime simply laughed.

"The Kraang are the superior beings; you think you can order Kraang around?" he cackled, his terrifying voice echoing through the throne room. Saki's eyes were flaming with anger.

"I am going to give you one last chance to get me the mutagen, or our deal is off. If you cannot get me the mutagen, I will consider you an enemy and will not help you take over Earth," Saki threatened, his voice deadly calm. Kraang Prime contemplated Saki's proclamation, the pink diamonds on his robot body flashing in a rhythm.

"Very well. Kraang Prime will get you the Mutagemia," he replied, and then cut the connection. Saki sat with a small smirk on his face.

"Your lives will be mine, turtles. And your sensei and friends too," he vowed, an evil glint in his eye as he stalked off to plan his next attack Hamato Yoshi and his pupils.


Donatello stared at his computer screen with an excited smirk on his face.

"Ah hah!" he whispered, glancing at the time on his computer. 3:27 am.

On the screen were multiple websites, all with rumors of a new nucleic acid. Donnie had been wondering how the Kraang had created the mutagenic DNA, and through extensive research he found what he was looking for.

"DNM: Deoxyribonucleic Mutagen. It is a molecule that has no purpose on it's own but when combined with the DNA of a genetic mutation and grouped with thousands of other DNM molecules can have dangerously powerful effects.
The DNM must be combined with more DNM molecules, and then combined with some type of mutant DNA. Then that can be mixed with mutagen. When this happens, the combination will go through mutazygemiasynthesis, in which the DNA/DNM mixture will become apart of the mutagen.
This forms Mutagemia (MGE) which literally means 'Blood mutagen' or 'DNA mutagen.'
Once someone has this in their possesion, they can straight up control the person who's DNA was used.
This information is not proven true."

Donnie hurriedly jotted down notes, glancing at Abby, who was asleep on a desk. He knew he would have to make his sibling understand what this new acid was, and how dangerous it could be in the hands of the Kraang.

That morning, Donnie called everyone into his lab.

"Guys, I was up last night researching this new DNA mutagen," he began. "Apparently, there have been rumors going around that there is another nucleic acid like DNA and RNA, one that has no effects or jobs at all unless used in a big group."

"What's it called?" Kenzie asked thoughtfully. Donnie bobbed his head, as if to say 'I was getting to that'.

"It's called deoxyribonucleic mutagen, or DNM. Basically, it's a molecule that does nothing when alone but if you take thousands and combine them with someone's DNA, you could be incredibly powerful.

"You need to combine thousands of DNM molecules together, then combine all those with a genetically mutated organism's DNA. Once you do that, you mix it with mutagen and get Mutagemia, or MGE. If someone poured or injected MGE that your DNA was used with into you, the injector would have total control over you."

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