Chapter 19: DNA Mutagen?!

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A/N: So you know three chapters ago (in The Creeping Doom chappie) I had Splinter order Donnie and Abby to make a brain worm cure?

Well I wrote that part before I knew Donnie was actually doing that :0 xD


ALSO: I have started to update regularly-ish.



*innocent smile* TO THE CHAPTER!!!


Abby's P.O.V.

"Watcha doin', Donnie?" Mikey asked over the purple-clad turtle's shoulder. Donnie jumped in surprise, almost dropping the brain worm juice-filled beaker in his hand. Luckily, none spilled out this time.

"Mikey! Get out of the lab," I ordered indignantly. He pouted.

"But I wanna watch!" he complained. "And I wanna get back at you and Donnie for that comment sometime today!"

"Is that so?" I answered nonchalantly.

"Aw, shell! Bad Mikey, you should't have told them," he scolded himself. I chuckled at his behavior.

"Do it after we're done with this experiment. We don't want a repeat of yesterday, now do we?" I said pointedly. Mikey sighed.

"No..." he resigned, shuffling out of the lab. His eyes brightened, however, when he spotted something beyond my view.

"Hey, I wanna play PacMan too, guys!" he exclaimed, jogging away. The sounds of video games came from the living room area.

Donnie and I sighed simultaneously.

"Popcorn," I muttered, stoping our spark of unison before it started. He grinned.

"I should come up with a word like that. And we can take turns saying it to stop ourselves from saying our unison stopping words in unison!" he determined, thinking.

"How about pizza? Or.... turtle? Or purple? Or a brainiac word only you and me would know?" I suggested. He smiled thoughtfully.

"Radioactive," he decided. I smirked.

"That's not a very 'only you and me would know' word," I scoffed playfully.

"Why not?" Donnie asked, turning back to his work.

"Be right back," I called over my shoulder as I ran out of the lab to Donnie's room. I grabbed my new T-Phone off the nightstand and jogged back into the lab, searching YouTube for a song.

"Oh no, what're you doing?" Donnie asked doubtfully, not looking back up from his experiment. To answer his question, I blasted Radioactive at full volume.

"TURN THAT DOWN!" he shouted over the loud volume, thanks to the advanced speakers in the phone.

"It's your fault the volume goes so high!" I protested after lowering the volume down to halfway.

"What, is it my turn for you to tease while your friends are gone?" he mocked playfully. Yeah, my friends were at school and I wasn't. SURPRISE!

I gave a light laugh. "Yep, basically. I usually have to hold back from correcting the teachers in school, so my very intelligent self has to wait until three to be released into the wild," I grinned. He laughed.

"Well, then do you wanna do somethin' up top?" he offered.

"But its the middle of the day!" I exclaimed.

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