Chapter 38: A Plan of Action

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"What do you mean she was taken?"

Shredder's angry voice echoed through his throne room, making Rahzaar and Fishface flinch slightly. The former steps forward, his body tense.

"Dalilah was taken," Rahzaar repeated. "The turtles got her before we knew what happened."

Shredder seethed, "Get her back before the turtles turn her to their side!"

His two followers scurried out of the room, chorusing, "Yes, Master Shredder."


The turtles had finished explaining to Dalilah the connection between her and Abby. While the link wasn't completely clear, they could all understand one thing: Dalilah and Abby were related, somehow.

"My uncle never had any kids," Abby repeated for the second time that day. "So I don't know how this is possible."

"Maybe the Kraang didn't know what they were talking about," Dalilah suggested, shifting uncomfortably when everyone's eyes turned to her. While she was trusting the turtles, she was still on edge, just in case they did end up being the bad guys. For now, Dalilah would believe them, and was glad she'd discovered the truth about the Shredder.

"Well, we can't go to TCRI again and find out," Samantha stated. "We already decided that it's too dangerous, especially now that Shredder has more MGE to use."

"Shredder is probably looking for me right now," Dalilah warned. "Mr. B–I mean, Bradford and Xever know you guys took me. There's no doubt they already told Shredder."

"He doesn't know where we live," Raphael grunted. "Unless you're lying and sent him our location, I think we're good for now, thanks."

Dalilah narrowed her eyes at his attitude, but said nothing.

"The Kraang Orb doesn't have any information on where the Kraang got you. The only way to find out would be to get into their files on you," Donatello added.

"Hey guys, Shred-head doesn't know she's on our side yet! So how about we let Dalilah spy for us?" Michelangelo pointed out with a grin. The other four mutants turned to face him, and Samantha nodded in agreement.

"Mikey's right," Leonardo concurred. "Dalilah could be our key to taking down the Shredder, rescuing our friends, and gaining access to Kraang documents."

"So basically, you want me to spy on an evil tyrant who lied to my face and watch robot aliens who kept me captive for my entire life. Ok, great!" Dalilah summarized sarcastically. Samantha frowned.

"Look, for now, all we need is for you to get the files on yourself from the Kraang," she soothed. "If you offer something to the Shredder, he might even get the info for you himself."

"I can't go back," Dalilah argued. "Not now, that I know what he did. He'll know something's up."

"Pretend we did something to emotionally scar you," Raphael snapped, his patience running thin. Why can't she just go do it?

Dalilah pressed her lips into a line, biting back a snarky comeback. Leonardo gave Raphael a stern look, shutting up the red-masked turtle, but Raphael still glared at Dalilah.

"Right. Pretend we did something to you, and that should explain any odd actions of yours," Abby informed. "Also, tell him you know where we hide, but don't tell him where, make him give you your files in return for the location."

"He'll want me to show him, or at least Bradford and Xever, the area," Dalilah told them. Donatello explained that when they let Dalilah up to the surface, it would be down an alley four blocks away from Shredder's base. When Dalilah showed Bradford and Xever the turtles' fake location, she would show then that alley way, where the turtles would then ambush Shredder's henchmen, and Dalilah would sneak the turtles her files. Then she would flee to Shredder's lair with Bradford and Xever and continue to spy.

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