Chapter 27: Out Of the Shredder's Control and Into the Serpent's

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I accidentally published the last chapter without a title at first oops 😂 Also sorry for the long wait. I'm really bad at updating 😬


Sarah swung a wrapped fist at Kenzie, who dodged and kicked. Sarah jumped backwards, Kenzie's foot narrowly missing her stomach.

Loud shouts were heard coming from the lab, and as Kenzie tilted a head towards the dojo exit to see what was happening, Sarah charged and knocked her to the ground.

"Hajime," Splinter said firmly. Kenzie stood up, pain flashing in her eyes for a split second as she pushed herself up with her healing foot.

The two quickly bowed down to Splinter and hurried out of the dojo, heading towards the lab. They noticed Leo and Raph exchange glances before also going towards Donnie's work room.

Kayla and Mikey stood, Kayla using Mikey as a support beam, and they, too, went into the lab. Mikey's green thumbs were whirring across the screen as he rushed to pause whatever they were watching.

Together, the six of them entered the lab with Casey in pursuit.

"What's with all the noise?" Raph questioned, quirking an eyebrow line at the excited faces on Donnie and Abby. April was grinning, and turned to the newcomers.

"They made a brain worm reversal serum!" April explained. Leo's face lit up immediately as he glanced over to his tied-up sister. Mikey broke into a smile, happy as always. Kayla gave a small grin as Kenzie eyes the serum warily.

"You're sure it'll work?" Sarah asked skeptically, voicing Kenzie's thoughts.

"Ninety-nine point eight percent sure," Abby assured with a smirk. Shrugging, Sarah nodded. Kenzie sighed slowly. There was an awkward pause, no one really knowing what to say.

"Well? Try it!" Raph snapped, making Abby jolt back from his sudden loud voice. She nodded quickly, filling a syringe with the serum and nearing Karaii.

The snake mutant hissed, her eyes burning with anger. Leo and Donnie pinned her snake arms down as Abby carefully injected the cure into Karai's pale arm.

Everyone was still for a few seconds as Karai froze and stopped hissing. Her serpentine eyes widened, her mouth hanging open. Suddenly, Karai started making a choking sounds, and as she gagged a slimy worm flew out of her mouth and onto the ground.

Donnie released his older sister and slammed a box down on the worm. It squirmed around for a moment before deflating with a slow squeaking sound, and exploded. Green worm insides burst out of it and landed against the side of the box with a splat!

Abby gagged, sticking her tongue out in disgust. Kayla scrunched up nose, pursing her lips while Mikey grinned at the odd sound it made.

"It's like balloon!" he exclaimed, which actually wasn't too far off. Raph rolled his eyes.

A cough came from Karai as she recovered, all eyes turning to the snake mutant. Karai looked up at everyone with startlingly yellow, slitted eyes, making Kenzie suck in a breath.

"Karai?" Leo asked cautiously. Her head turned to look at him as he slowly approached.

"Hello, Leonardo," Karai said softly. She glanced at the ropes confining her with a troubled look. "How did I get here?"

Leo and Donnie exchanged nervous glances. Leo muttered, "Well, um.."

"Shredder used a mind control worm on you," Abby explained quickly. Karai simply nodded, not yet realizing that she had never met Abby before. Mikey bounced over.

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