Chapter 21: Getting To Know Smartsticle

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A/N: First off, tyasm for 1.5K reads and almost 100 votes! ❤️ You guys are awesome! Also, please please please pleeaaassseee enter an OC into my contest! Only 1 person has entered for any category. I'm gonna need someone to be Shredder's adopted kid and A Mysterious Assassin Who Wants To Kill The Turtles For An Unknown Reason! (I LOVE THE TITLE FOR THAT THO XD)
~Donnie Not The Real Donnie


Abby's P.O.V.

Glancing at the lab's clock, I blinked tiredly. 2:00 am.

"No," I muttered to myself, turing back to paper in front of me. "Just finish it, and then you can sleep."

I still hadn't finished the plan to break into TCRI. I was trying to finish by the morning, even though it was earlier then Leo said the plan would be finished. I just had to figure out the 'escape' part.

My eyes drooped, and I laid my head down on the table, but I immediately jolted back up, attempting to stay awake.

•The Next Morning•

I opened my eyes sleepily, noticing I was still in the lab. I didn't remember falling asleep, but apparently I had without finishing the plan.

"Ugh," I groaned. I stood up from the chair I had slept in, looking at the time. It was eleven.

"Woah!" I yelped, starting towards the door. As I ran, I noticed a small thing crawling on the ground... with eight legs....

"AH!" I screamed, jumping onto the closest lab table. The turtles came rushing in. "GUYS! GUYS! HELP! KILL IT!"

"What is it?" Leo asked worriedly. I pointed a shaky finger at the spider. His gaze turned to an amused one.

"Kill it kill it kill it kill it kill it!" I repeated, yelling. The other three turtles followed my gesture and saw the little arachnid.

"Oh, Abby, that's the smallest wittle spider ever!" Mikey laughed, letting the bug climb onto his hand. I looked at him like he was insane.

"KILL IT!" I yelled again, crawling away as Mikey drew closer, spider still in hand and a playful smirk on his face.

When I ran out of table to stand on, I grabbed the closest weapon I could find - Donnie's T-Phone - and whacked the spider. Mikey let out a short yell of pain when I slammed the phone onto his hand.

I pursed my lips, pushing the dead spider with the phone until I reached a trashcan. I shuddered once it was no longer in sight.

"Ow, dudette!" Mikey exclaimed, but he grinned.

"Sorry, Mikey. I told you to kill it," I said matter-of-factly. Mikey smiled sheepishly.


I giggled.

"So Raph hates cockroaches, and you hate spiders?" Donnie smirked. I gave a half-hearted laugh.

"Actually, I hate cockroaches too. And bees, and centipedes, and spider crickets, and crickets, and -"

"Ok! Ok! Just stop!" Raph interrupted, a disgusted and annoyed look on his face.

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