Chapter 22: Mutagen Destroyers! (Part 1)

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A/N: There's gonna be some blood in this chapter. Not anything gory, just small descriptions of Kenzie, Sarah, and Kayla's cuts. Just if anyone's sensitive to that kind of thing 😊
Also, I was thinking about whether I wanted to make Kayla and Sarah mutants, and I thought "but what would Sarah be? I need something original... something fierce but unsuspecting. Like.... A turtle!" And then I facepalmed because how unoriginal is a mutant turtle? DERP
That no joke just happened. Anyway, TO THE CHAPPIEEEE

Abby's POV

I rushed over to my friends, yelling, "Boys! It's ok!" to the turtles.

They came out of their hiding spots hurriedly, and picked up the pace when they saw the state of my friends.

"What happened?" I asked, ushering them into the lab. Sarah gently laid Kayla down on a table.

"We were attacked, at school!" Sarah exclaimed, throwing her hands into the air angrily. Donnie lightly pushed them down to apply bandages to her wounds, making Sarah shoot a glare at him.

"By who?" Leo pressed. Sarah scowled and Donnie continued examining her injuries, especially her leg.

"The Kraang," Kenzie replied before Sarah could. Sarah scoffed.

"You wish! Those things were full on ninjas! Robot ninjas, of course. They were like those Footbots we fought the other day, but they were.... different," Sarah explained, exasperated.

"Shred-head must be improving," Raph growled. Donnie frowned.

"Sarah, your left leg is fractured. And you have a shallow cut on the back of your right shoulder," he informed, wrapping the said injuries. He then moved on to Kenzie.

"Whoa whoa whoa, dudettes," Mikey paused us. "Abby said the Kraang don't have that mutagen dana stuff for you guys, right?"

I stared at him with raised eyebrows. "It's mutagenic DNA, Mikey. Way to have a stroke of genius. And yes, I did say that."

Mikey beamed before continuing, "So Shred-head must've wanted to get your stuff for the stuff!"

Everyone looked at him in confusion. Raph snorted, "You lost me."

"I think I know what he means," Donnie said, still hard at work on Kenzie's injury-search. "He means the Shredder was trying to get your DNA so that he can complete his collection of DNA mutagen, assuming he re-made mine and Abby's."

"So when we break in tonight, the Kraang won't have finished making their DNA mutagens...." I began.

"Meaning we'll have to steal those ones on a separate mission," Kenzie finished. Donnie stood up from her examination.

"Kenzie, you sprained you right ankle, and this cut on your arm is long but not deep. You'll have to keep it wrapped until it heals, otherwise you might open it up again," he announced. He then turned to Kayla, who's breathing was steady but getting more ragged by the minute.

We were all silent, even Mikey, as we watched Donnie work. His hands were almost a blur as he wrapped Kayla in bandages. Her shirt was bloodstained around her belly button, so Donnie reluctantly rolled it up a little, revealing the worst gash out of my three friends. It was't very big, but it was deep.

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