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Hey guys! So, first off, sorry I haven't updated since January. I really want to but honestly I have no time.

I'm not just gonna say what everyone says about school etc etc, even though thats pretty much the reason for my lack of updates

I just wanted to let everyone know that updates will probably continue to be slow until I...

A) Find the time to just sit down and write for a while


B) Get some inspiration because at the moment I need to plan out what I need to do with this book because at first I was just writing whatever popped into my head and then I got a cool idea and rolled with it and now this book is getting really long and close to ending but I need to figure out what needs to go on and when XD

So, thanks to everyone who's still here even though updates are so slow😅 Updates will probably pick up the pace significantly in the summer, but I will try to update before then.



(to be deleted eventually)

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