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Y/n: Yeah, I remember Namjoon told me about you. It's really nice meeting you.

Naeun: Oh my gosh, I absolutely love your outfit, you are quite beautiful.

Yn: Aww thank you, I love your outfit as well.

Naeun:Oh i was just about to go to this quaint boutique that just opened up are yourl heading out?

Yn: Yea-

Namjoon:You are gonna be walking this late at night and that too alone!

Naeun:Calm down Joonie, I'm perfectly fine.

Namjoon: Are you crazy, it's so dangerous. You could get hurt!

As they were bickering I stood there feeling completely out of place. I saw the way Namjoon looked at her, it was like I didn't even exist. I was like a third wheel, they were so cute and for some reason I felt broken. I was merely an obstacle in their story. I felt bad knowing that they were going to be separated because of me. I slowly rocked back and forth on my heels hoping they would notice me but i realized that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. I decided to just leave and i guess a part of me hoped that Namjoon would stop me or even notice that i was gone.

Naeun:Yn hold on!

Yn: Oh hey, sorry for just walking out like that...
I awkwardly smiled.

Naeun:I just wanted to apologize for interrupting yourl earlier on, I feel really bad.
I could see the sincerity in her eyes.

Namjoon then came towards us with a cute smile as he wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on her shoulders.

In that moment I felt the tears sting my eyes. My entire world came plummeting down and I felt my heart clench. Why was i feeling like this,I mean I already knew he has a girlfriend then why. The worst part is I couldn't even bring myself to hate her, she is perfect, she's sweet, gentle,beautiful and has such an elegant aura. I don't blame Namjoon for falling for her. I found myself holding back my tears, the worst feeling by far is having to hold back your tears in front of people.

Namjoon: Yn,I really can't let Naeun go alone this late so I was wondering if you'd be fine getting an uber. If you don't mind that is?

Naeun: Namjoon you can't do that,I told you that I'm fine. There is no way I'm gonna let you!

She playfully hit the back of his head as he whined.

Yn: No, no it's okay. You two should head out,I'll be fine.

Naeun: Are you sure?

I simply nodded because I knew if I were to say a word all the tears and pent up pain would be let out. I watched their silioughets slowly dissapear into the car.

A few minutes after they left I called the uber. I was feeling cold and noticed that it started raining and just great I didn't have a jacket.

~Time skip~

It's been an hour and the uber still isn't here,I'm starting to feel really scared and on top of that I'm drenched! I am getting really weak and I have a feeling I may catch a cold.

??: Hey,excuse me are you okay mam?

I looked up with my eyes half closed and saw a very handsome man who looked quite concerned.

Yn:Ugghh, yeah I'm okay *cough* just peachy.

??:You really don't look like it.

Y/n: No, I really am fin-

I was immediately cut off when he came forward and placed his hand on my forehead. My breath hitched as my heart pounded harder in my chest because of the close proximity.

??: You're burning up, are you waiting for anyone?

Y/n: The uber, he's an hour late.

??:Well there's a cafe right here,we can go in there and warm you up with some delicious hot chocolate. I'm sure by then the uber will arrive.
He didn't even give me time to think when he grabbed my hand and entered the cafe as we found a table and settled down.

??:Oh by the way, I'm Taehyung.

His smile was just so contagious, I couldn't help but reciprocate his energy as I let out my own smile

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His smile was just so contagious, I couldn't help but reciprocate his energy as I let out my own smile. The waitress came back with our order and the moment I tasted the hot chocolate my tastebuds exploded. My eyes went huge and Taehyung noticed that because he let out a giggle and told me about how this place has the best hot chocolate and how he always comes here on rainy days.

Taehyung: So are you gonna tell me your name or keep me hanging?
He said while slightly tilting his head in a cute way.

Yn: Yeah sorry, my name is Yn.

Taehyung: Yn, yn ,yn. It just rolls off the tongue,it's a beautiful name.

Yn: Thank you.

The time went by as we spoke and got to know each other. The uber, the rain and Namjoon was soon forgotten from my mind as I was just happy in that moment.

Namjoon's POV

I had dropped Naeun at her home after she went to the boutique. While I was driving back I received a call from Yn's mum which I answered.

Ymn: Hello Namjoon are you guys still out it's getting quite late.
She sounded concerned.

I began feeling worried, where was yn, did something happen, was she okay??

Namjoon:Uhmm,yeah we're okay. She's just sleeping, I'm driving her home as we speak.

Ymn: Ah okay,sorry for bothering.

Namjoon: Not at all.

~Call ended~

Shit! Shit! Shit! Where is she I turned the car around and sped up going back to where I last saw her.

I stopped on the side of the road and walked out looking around when I spotted a familiar figure through the glass of the cafe and practically sprinted in feeling a wave of relief.

I walked closer to her but saw she was with a guy and for some reason I began feeling really angry as I clenched my fists. Who was that guy and why were they being so close together. Why am I feeling this way?


Yn quickly stood up along with the guy and after the guy turned around I felt my anger build up even more.

Namjoon: Taehyung!

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