The Truth- Part 2

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Namjoon's POV

It's been 2 months and I still can't belive everything that has happened. It all seemed so perfect when we were together but now I've lost her forever. I wish I could understand what kind of sick game this universe is trying to play with us. It's hurts so much to think that we may never be together again, I wish I could just trust our love but it's easier said than done. It's all over now.

Rowoon: Appa! Are you crying? I know what will cheer you up, ice cream! Eomma always gives me ice cream whenever I feel down!

Namjoon: Hmm, are you sure it's not just a plan for you to get ice cream.

I leaned forward and started to tickle him and he began laughing.

Namjoon: Okay, let's go and get some ice cream.

~At the park~

I got Rowoon and I some ice cream and he was playing on the swings when I turned my head and saw yn. She was in the embrace of Taehyung and my heart broke into a million pieces. I know that she has the right to move on and be happy but it still hurts. I didn't want to even think of her being with someone else but now I'm seeing it with my own eyes. She's finally moved on. I looked to the sky and let out a deep sigh, more tears trickling down my face. I looked down again and saw Rowoon right in front of me. He brought his tiny hands up to my face and wiped away my tears.

Rowoon: Please don't cry.

I was about to comfort him and say that everything is alright when he began pulling my hand and taking me somewhere.

Namjoon: Rowoon, wait! Where are we going?

Rowoon: Just come, you'll see.

Yn's POV

I stood in the park waiting for Taehyung and my mind began drifting again. No! I can't let myself think about that. It's been 2 months, I need to move on.

Taehyung: YN!

I snapped out of my thoughts and greeted Tae who was standing right in front of me. The time passed as we talked and talked.

Taehyung: Yn, I hope you don't mind me asking but how are you doing with everything?

Yn: To be honest none of this feels real. Of course I'm still hurt by everything that's going on but there's not much I can do about it, I feel utterly helpless.

Taehyung: I'm sorry, I wish there was some way for me to take away all your pain.

Yn: Thank you Tae, it means a lot. You're always there for m-

Taehyung: I'm in love with you.

Yn: Tae...

Taehyung: I know. I just wanted to let it all out. Please don't say anything, it hurts less if I don't hear those words. Can we just go back to how it was a minute ago?

Yn: I'm sorry but no, I'm not just gonna let you bottle all of this up. You deserve a proper explanation. I think that maybe in another life we could've been together, I mean you're caring, kind, smart and of course handsome. You're perfect but maybe just not perfect for me. I know that someday you're gonna find someone who is gonna love you just as much as you need and deserve. I've already fallen in love and I just don't think that it'll happen again for me. He's practically ruined me for all other men.

Taehyung: I understand, I just really hope that he's worth it. I'm rooting for you yn, I'll always be rooting for you.

Yn: Thanks Tae.

He pulled me into a hug and I felt that maybe things were gonna turn out alright. I trust us.

Namjoon's POV

I turned to Rowoon as we stood infront of a small house that looks beaten up. He knocked on the door and a lady came outside and looked at us with a shocked expression.

Namjoon: Rowoon who is this?

Rowoon:My eomma.

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