All Good Things Must Come To An End

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It's been almost 2 weeks since I've seen him and I feel completely lost. He's been calling me and trying to visit but I've just been avoiding him. I feel that for now he just needs to focus on Rowoon. I know I broke my promise to him but given the circumstances I feel that it's the right thing to do. I've been staying at my friend Elisha's house and she's been a great support through this difficult time.

Eli: Hey Yn I think we need to talk...

Yn: What's up?

Eli: I think you need to speak to him, I mean he's been trying to talk to you for such a long time and I think you need to just hear him out. I understand what you're going through but you can't keep avoiding this, avoiding him.

Yn: I know, I know. I've just been putting it off because I'm so afraid, once I confront it everything becomes real and a part of me just wants to live in this denial cause well denial is better than the reality.

Eli: Oh sweetie I know but at some point you'll have to face it and I think better sooner than later. Once you talk to him yourl will be able to work things out.

Yn: I'll call him and see if we can meet up.

Eli: It's for the best and I will be out for the whole day so why don't you call him here and you guys can talk?

Yn: Yes, oh and Eli.

Eli: Yeah?

Yn: Thank you for everything.

Eli: Anytime.

Namjoon's POV

~Namjoon's home office~

Lisa: Namjoon we need to talk.

Namjoon: I don't have time right now.

Lisa: It's about Rowoon.

Namjoon: What happened to him?

Lisa: Nothing it's just that he's been asking why his parents aren't married and I don't have the heart to tell him that his father is already married to another woman.

Namjoon: What exactly do you suppose we do? Maybe we could explain everything to him, he's a smart boy I feel that he'd understand and obviously you can't tell him that way it completely twists the whole situation.

Lisa: I think that we should get married.

Namjoon: What!

Lisa: Hear me out. You love Rowoon right?

Namjoon: Is that even a question! Of course I do, he's my child!

Lisa: Then don't you want him to be happy?

Namjoon: Yes but what you're asking for is just you trying to manipulate everything and honestly using our son for such selfish means is despicable.

Lisa: How dare you, I would never do such a thing! I'm only suggesting this because I want him to be happy.

Namjoon: Oh please I'm not gonna fal-

*knock knock*

Rowoon: Mummy, Daddy? I heard shouting.

Namjoon: Rowoon come here.

Rowoon: Yes?

I saw tears in his eyes and felt my whole world stop. I don't want to ever see him like this, I'll try my best to make him happy.

Namjoon: It's okay Rowoon, nothing is going on we were just talking.

I picked him up and placed him on my lap and wiped his tears.

Rowoon: Were you and mummy talking about getting married? Like Lily's mum and dad.

Namjoon: Oh uhm, is Lily you're friend?

Rowoon: Yes she's my best friend in the whole wide world. Can I also come to the wedding?

Lisa: So Namjoon what's it gonna be? Can he come to the wedding?

Namjoon: Well, we're gonna need to get you a suit first.


Namjoon: Yea- say what now? What about a puppy.

Rowoon: Oh look it's past my bedtime, mummy is gonna shout. Goodnight appa.

Namjoon: *chuckle* Goodnight.

Lisa: I'll have my lawyer draw up the divorce papers.

I watched as she walked out the door and let out a heavy sigh. I heard my phone ringing and answered without looking at who called.


Yn: We need to talk.

Namjoon: Yn? Tell me where I'm coming.

Yn: Come to 47 xxx xxxxx road.

Namjoon: I'm on my way.

~End of call~

I finally heard her voice and everything felt calm for the first time in weeks but just as fast as I was happy my world came crashing down when I remembered that I would have to ask her for a divorce and end our entire relationship.


I've been sitting on the couch waiting for him to arrive when I heard to doorbell ring.

Namjoon: Hi.

Yn: Hi, come in.

Namjoon: Thank you.

We both sat down on the couch opposite each other.

Yn & Namjoon: I need to tell you something.

Yn: You go first.

Namjoon: *deep breath* I want a divorce.

My head shot up and my eyes met his. I felt my heart shatter in that one moment, so everything he said and everything he promised was just a lie. He asked for something so big so fast like all our time spent together meant nothing to him.

Yn: Do I mean nothing to you!

Namjoon: Yn you know that's not true! Do you think I wanted things to end up like this!? I'm madly in love with you but sometimes shit happens and we don't have control over them. Maybe we were never meant for this world and I paid the price for pushing the boundaries of the universe. Can you blame me though? After all I promised that I'd move the heavens and Earth to be with you at any just so happens that the time has come to pay my do's. I'm sorry. You'll always have my heart and nothing could ever change that.

A/n: Please vote and comment on what yourl think of the story so far😁

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