Hello brother

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After getting ready and going downstairs I saw Namjoon already seated at the table with a worried expression. I walked right past him as his head shot up and I was met with his eyes but I didn't feel happy anymore while looking into them, rather I felt betrayed.

Namjoon: Yn could we please talk?

I sighed as I sat down waiting for him to attempt to justify his actions.

Namjoon: Look you already know that Na eun and I are dating. We were on such good terms these past few weeks and I really enjoyed being like that with you so when I wanted to meet Na eun I thought you might feel bad about it and I didn't tell you-

Yn: Yeah so you instead just lied about it!

Namjoon: Yn please you already knew Na eun and I were dating and plus we were both just forced into this relationship!

Immediately as those words left his mouth I felt something inside me break, he was right. What right did I have to be upset? I'm just a fool for falling for him and that's a mistake I'm done with.

Namjoon: Th-that's not what I meant-

Yn: No, no you're right...we were both just forced into this.

He was about to reach out his hand to me when my phone rang, I just grabbed it and went out of the house along with my purse.


??: He- wait why are you crying? Hello are you there?

Yn: Nothing I'm fine Tae, what's up?

Taehyung: You clearly aren't, just meet me at the cafe I took you to when we first met.

Yn: ...

Yn: Okay I'm already heading out, I'll see you there.

Taehyung: Bye.

~End of call~

~The cafe~

Taehyung: So that's what happened. I'm sorry love. You know you can't keep waiting around for him forever... * puts his hand on mine*

Yn: Yeah I know. I just don't get it, why did he make all those preparations that night and kiss me while acting all lovey dovey when he was gonna do this?

Taehyung: Would you feel offended if I said he's a jackass.

Yn: *chuckle* Took the words right outta my mouth. But let's just talk about something else this topic is just too depressing for me right now.

Taehyung: Yeah sure anything you wanna talk about?

Yn: Oh yeah that day at the hotel I didn't even see you leave even though I was in the lobby? Did I miss you by any chance?

Taehyung:* Sigh* No your husband decided to lock me in the room because we started another fight😅

Yn: What!

Taehyung: Well on the plus side he did call maintenance to open up after yourl left.

Waitress: Here are yourls orders, enjoy!

Yn: By the way you look really cute all bundled up and warm.🤭 I'm surprised to see you not wearing formal clothes.

🤭 I'm surprised to see you not wearing formal clothes

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Taehyung: Did you just call me cute😏

Yn: *eye roll* Just drink your hot chocolate.

Taehyung: Fine, fine but I'm never gonna let you live that down.

Na eun POV

I've been sitting here, crouched down for hours just pouring my eyes out. I feel like the time for Namjoon to leave me is getting closer, I've wanted more than anything to be selfish just this once but I can't. I can't stand to see him be with me if he's really in love with her and the thing is eventually he's gonna realise that and once again I'll be left alone. I should feel happy for him when the time comes, shouldn't I? If I'd have known things were gonna turn out this way I would have savoured my every moment with him, I guess I'm just too late. Maybe we were never meant for this world?

I sniffled some more as the tears cascaded down my cheeks and hit the broken picture frame of us that I held in my hand as the shards of glass left cuts on my skin. I jolted up as I wiped my tears and got the first aid kit.

~knock knock~

Na eun: Hell-

??: Hello sister, aren't you gonna invite me in?

Na eun: Yoongi! What the hell are you doing here?

Yoongi: Now is that anyway to treat your younger brother? 😈

Yoongi: Now is that anyway to treat your younger brother? 😈

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