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Jungkook:I want you dove.

Yn: Okay firstly stop calling me that and secon-

Namjoon: Who are you talking to?

Yn: Haha, no one just a wrong number.

*cuts call*

Namjoon:Okay, well there are some extra pillows here,we can just put it in the middle and create like a wall.

Yn: Yeah I'll just go get them.

We both settled into the bed and turned so that our backs face each other. I couldn't fall off to sleep, my mind was racing as to how Jungkook managed to get my number. After all this time why now? Couldn't he just let me live in peace!
I was so caught up in my own thoughts when suddenly I felt two strong arms grab me. He was still asleep so I tried moving out of his grip but instead i just got even more stuck as he tightened it. I eventually gave up and rested my head on his chest and tried to fall off to sleep as his heartbeat calmed me.

Jungkook POV

Jungkook: DAMMIT, how dare she just hang up on me like that! Wait and watch my little dove,I'll get you back no matter what.

Yoongi:Yah Jungkook what happened? Did you speak to her?

Jungkook: Hyung I want you to prepare everything, we're going back to Seoul.

Yoongi: I'll get everything ready.

Jungkook: *creepy whistling*

~time skip~

Namjoon POV

I woke up with the sun's rays shining on my face and was about to move when I heard little snores coming from something wrapped in my arms. I looked down and noticed yn, at first I was shocked and tried to move but then I realised that if I did she might wake up so instead i just stayed there and cuddled her more into my arms. I gazed at her again and analyzed her features, the way her hair fell over her face and covered her eyes and the way her lips went into a little pout. She has such cute puffy cheeks. I was giggling to myself while poking her cheeks when suddenly a tear streamed down her face and at first I got scared that I may have hurt her but she then began reciting "leave me alone,just go away Jungkook please". At first I was confused but that slowly turned to anger,who the hell wanted to hurt her and why? Who is this jungkook? Questions upon questions plagued my mind but I decided to just focus on her now as she was shivering in my arms. I shook her a bit and stroked her hair as I told her that it's okay.


I was having yet another nightmare of Jungkook when I heard Namjoon's voice and slowly opened my eyes adjusting to the light.

Yn: Good morning.

Namjoon:Good morning, did you have a bad dream?

Yn: Yeah but it's alright now.

Namjoon: So did you want breakfast, you know what as a truce gift,I'm gonna make you breakfast!

Yn: It's fine really, you don't have to.

Namjoon: I don't mind. Now come on go get ready while I make something.

Namjoon POV

I was making us breakfast when I smelt something burning. SHITT!! The entire pan was on fire!! Why does this happen to me. The next thing I know yn comes running into the kitchen with the fire extinguisher and puts out the fire just in time.

Yn: What the hell happened here!

Namjoon: I tried to make pancakes. Luckily we bought the fire extinguisher after the last incident.

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