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It's been a week since we came back from the honeymoon and we've been on VERY good terms. I've fallen more and more in love with him. Today he had to go to practice early so I'm going to get him a gift because his birthday is in a few days. I've been walking for quite some time so I thought of stopping to get some ice cream, when I spotted him! Wasn't he supposed to be in practice? What I saw next broke my heart, Na eun ran up to him as they both kissed. I guess I was so caught up that I broke my ice cream cone, I then felt someone grab my hand and wipe the melted ice cream off.

??: You should really be more careful dove.

Yn: Jungkook?

Jungkook: The one and only!

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Jungkook: The one and only!

Yn: What the hell are you doing here?!

Jungkook: Shh, shh baby you wouldn't want your husband seeing you spying on him now would you?

Yn: But I wasn't spying on him you jackass!

Jungkook: Well that's not what it looks like from where I'm standing. Now come on we've got so much to catch up on ;)

Yn: Like hell I would! I'm not going anywhere!

Jungkook: Well you know what on second thought I think you're right, after all I would love to meet your husband, Namjoon Is it? HEY NA-

Before he could yell any further I blocked his mouth and dragged him away from there into a little alley close by. I had him pinned against the wall when he pulled me closer to him, grabbed my chin and looked into my eyes.

Jungkook: Well I guess some things never change.
He said with that infuriating smirk. He was inching closer and I gazed down at his lips when he let out a low chuckle.

Jungkook: Tsk, tsk at least buy me dinner first.

Yn: What! I-I was- I wasn't gonna-

Jungkook: Well are you coming or not?

Yn: *Sigh* Let's get this over with.

~The cafe~

Yn: So what do you want and make it quick?

Jungkook: Ouch, I'm offended, what makes you think that I have an ulterior motive?

Yn: Just answer the damn question! What do you want?

He sighed as he leaned forward on his elbows, gazed directly into my eyes and in a raspy voice replied...

Jungkook: You dove, I want you. Did that answer your question.

Yn: Don't waste your time, I'm married.

Jungkook: Oh you mean to the one we saw kissing that girl.

I felt my heart clench at his words and what right did he have to interfere I'm my life.

Jungkook: She's quite beautiful if I do say so...

I glanced up at him as he seemed to love the way he was getting under my skin. Hurt was written all over my face but I masked it pretty quick.

Jungkook: Oh don't worry dove she's not really my type and plus I have my eyes set on someone else.

Yn: Just drink your damn banana milk and let's leave, I'm done here.

Jungkook: Fine but I meant what I said, I want you dove and you know as well as anyone, I always get what I want.

He whispered the last part as i felt chills down my spine.

Jungkook: Well I'm done! Let's get the bill and get out.

The waitress came and handed us the bill as he paid. She stared at him like he was her prey or something, I just rolled my eyes to which he responded with a chuckle.

Jungkook: Aww are you jealous cupcake;)

Yn: Pft jealous? Please I was just-

Jungkook: Jealous?

Yn: Ughh you're impossible, good bye!

Jungkook: Aww come on dove I was only kidding but i must admit you look hot when you're angry, that fire in your eyes and the way your lips begin to quiver as you stable your breathing to calm yourself down.


Yn: Uhm well okay imma just go now...(why am I feeling flustered?)
I practically sprinted out of the cafe


I yelled as i stepped inside the car and started the engine.

~At home~

Namjoon: Oh yn you're back?

Yn: Yeah, so how was practice then?

Namjoon: It was uhmm it was great.

Yn: Oh really cause you know I went to the park today and I could've sworn I saw someone who looked just like you. Crazy right? Cause why would my husband lie to me about going to practice when really he's going to see his girlfriend, am I right? I'm the delusional one!

Namjoon: yn-

Yn: No just no! We'll talk about this in the morning I need to just rest and clear my mind, you'll take the guest room.

Namjoon: Mmm *nods*

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