New bonds

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Namjoon was kissing me as he had me pinned down when suddenly the door flung open revealing a stunned Na eun. Namjoon immediately got up and so did I. The look of disappointment on her face killed me, she has been nothing but nice to me and even though he is my husband I still feel the guilt gnawing at me.

Na eun: I-I shouldn't have come.

Namjoon: Wait, Na eun let us explain...

Na eun: I think the situation is self explanatory.

Yn:Na eun please, I'm so sorry...

Na eun: It's fine, I kind of expected things to end like this anyway. I need to leave!

Namjoon: Shit what just happened?

Yn: *sigh* You should go after her...

Namjoon: Are you sure?

Yn:*smile*Yes of course, go, go after her! You should be with her.

Namjoon: Okay, I'm so sorry, I just- I need to do this.

I merely nodded my head so the shakiness in my voice wouldn't be evident. He left.

Yn: What was I even expecting? This has been an absolute roller coaster, one moment everything seems good and the next my world has come undone.

~door bursts open~

Namjoon:What if I don't wanna go!?

I jolted up from the couch with tears streaming down my face as he ran up to me breathless and pulled me into a tight hug. His hand cupped the back of my head as he brought my face up to his and kissed me. That one kiss sparked a fire in me, it was the most passionate kiss we've had.

Namjoon:I meant everything I said you know.I don't regret our kiss, I guess I just regret Na eun finding out that way, i feel guilty for what i did but nonetheless i want to be with you.

~Meanwhile Na eun's POV~

I expected this right?I prepared myself for this outcome! Then why the hell do I still feel so betrayed! I feel like throwing something and screaming! I want them to feel pain, why can't they feel the way I do! All those years were for nothing, in one second it was all gone! It all meant nothing.

~time skip~

I've been at this bar drinking my heart out. No one is with me, no one even cares?! I'm all alone...

Stranger: What's a pretty girl like you doing all alone?

Na eun: Please sir, I'm really in no mood to talk.*hiccup*

Stranger:Aww come on at least humor me.

Na eun: I'm telling you one more time,LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!

Stranger: Don't be like that, just let g-

??:I'm pretty sure the lady said to leave her alone.

Stranger: Who are you to tell me that, mind your own business!

??: She is my business! *Goes up to her and pretends to hold her waist but makes sure not to cross the line* She's my girlfriend.*smirk*

Bodyguard:Boss do you want us to take care of him?

??:No, I think he gets the idea.

Stranger: I-im so-sorry. Goo-good bye.

??:Hey miss are you okay?

Na eun:Yes, thank you.

??:By the way my name is Jimin. * takes her hand and pecks the front with a little bow*

 * takes her hand and pecks the front with a little bow*

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Na eun: A pleasure, my name is Na eun.

Jimin:That's a beautiful name.

Na eun: *chuckles*Thank you.

Jimin: Would you like me to escort you home? *holds out his arm*

Na eun: Oh no, truly I'm fine, I wouldn't want to inconvenience you...

Jimin:It would be my pleasure and plus I was taught never to let a lady go alone by herself at night.

Na eun:I can take care of myself.

Jimin:*smirks*Oh I don't doubt it but it would ease my mind to know that you would be safe and I'd like to think chivalry isn't all that dead.

Na eun: Well how do I know that I can trust you?

Jimin:Would a kidnapper have a puppy in the backseat ready to take it for grooming?

I immediately peeked inside the sleek grey Porsche and was met with two giant glossy puppy eyes.

Na eun:As cute as the puppy is, what's to say you aren't using the puppy to lure me in?

Jimin: I guess you'll just have to take that risk🤷‍♂️

Na eun:*eye roll*Fine but only because I want to pet the puppy.

Jimin: *opens the door for her* After you.

Na eun:Thank you.

Jimin: So Miss Na eun where do you live?

Na eun: Oh sorry, I live at xxxxx on xxxx street.

Jimin: Okay, I set the GPS and we're off.

Na eun:Hey, what's this little guys name?

Jimin:Oh that's Princess sparkles of the Evermoore kingdom.

Na eun: *Bursts out laughing*

Jimin: Don't even ask, my niece named her and yes I have to say the full name or else i get put in " time out" in the royal jail. She's going through a princess phase.

Na eun: Wow, so should I be expecting my invitation to the tea party via email or?

Jimin: Well that really depends on whether you make the cut, you see there are a few requirements.

Na eun:Oh and what might these "requirements" be?

Jimin:Well for one I would have to see you again to go through an interview process maybe over coffee or something. Oh and of course you'll have to wear a ballgown.
Seems like we're here.

Na eun:Yeah, so about that coffee interview?

Jimin: How does tomorrow at 1 sound?

Na eun:I'll see you then. Good bye.

Jimin:Good night.

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