I Believe I Can Fly

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A/n: *This is going to be a very short chapter for Hoseok and Yn to catch up. It's basically going to show how their friendship is.*


We were now on the flight and I was sitting next to Hoseok catching up. We used to be pretty close in high school but we separated ways when we had to go to University. Okay so if I'm being completely honest I used to have a crush on him and I think at some point he figured it out but didn't say anything to spare my feelings. I guess that's what made me like him in the first place it was how he was always so kind and loving to everyone he'd meet. However after that my crush disappeared and I started to see him in more of a brotherly light. Now it just makes me feel weird thinking about him in any other way.

Yn: So that's pretty much everything!

Hoseok: And how exactly are you feeling about all of this, I mean it must bother you because if it does come on I'm ready to throw hands! Have you seen these guns?

He exclaimed while flexing his muscles as we both started laughing.

Yn: ...

Hoseok:Hey is everything okay?,

Yn: He's back Hoseok.

Hoseok: What do you mean he's back, did he try to hurt you?

Yn: No he just phoned me, what a coward! Didn't even have the guts to face me.

Hoseok: Firstly never wish for him to face you again and secondly after the last time you gave him a run for his money, he'll think twice before messing with you again!

Yn: Seriously though, do you remember his face when they arrested him!

*We burst out laughing.*

Hoseok:Yeah he really thought he could kidnap you!

Yn: The jackass didn't know what hit him.

Hoseok: Yeah because you hid the pole right after you hit him. And then you went dashi run run run!

Yn:I would've Avada kedavra his ass but unfortunately for me Hogwarts still hasn't accepted my letter.

Hoseok: Because it isn't rea-


Hoseok: How did you even survive this long without me? Remember when you forced your parents to take you to the train station and then you tried running into the wall! Bahahahahaha


Hoseok: Okay, okay stop yelling. People might send you to the government for testing.

Yn: Oh I made a new friend, his name is Taehyung.

Hoseok:Ooh and what kind of "friendship" do you and Taehyung have? I bet you are all like "kissy, kissy, smooch,smooch"!


Air hostess: Excuse me but I'm gonna need you two to quiet down, yourl are disturbing other passengers.

Hoseok: I'm sorry I apologize for my friend's inconsiderate buffoonery.


Hoseok: Yeah we're actually going to get her checked, she hasn't been well recently you know up there.

He said pointing to my head.

Air hostess: Oh I'm really sorry sir and mam hang in there! I hope you feel better. Enjoy the rest of the flight.

Hoseok: So before you kill me.

Yn:Oh no no my dear friend, I would never kill you.

Hoseok: Ah you see this is why you're my friend, you're always so kind and cari-

Yn: Death would be too easy, I'll make you suffer with TICKLES

Hoseok: No please you know I-I ha-hate it!!
Look she's coming back!

The rest of the flight went the same and we just had a little while till we landed. Boy I missed him!

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