A starry night

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After getting ready for the day, I went to check up on Namjoon and Tae.

*Knock* *knock *

Yn: Hey are you guys up?
When I got no response I decided to peek in and saw them sleeping peacefully.

Yn: Hey Tae, it's time to wake up.
I said while poking his cheeks. I was about to go get Namjoon up when I felt a tug on my hand and was pulled down on top of him, our faces just inches apart.

Taehyung: Morning.

Yn: Hi.

Taehyung: You look cute while blushing.

I was about to say something when Namjoon pulled me up by my hoodie.

Namjoon: Thank you for waking us up but you best get going now so we can quickly change and get started on our day. Oh look why don't you go check that thing outside I think I heard a noise.

Taehyung: I didn't hear anything.

Namjoon: How could you after all you were too busy. *eye roll*

I was about to protest when Namjoon just started pushing me out the door. Rude much!

~Time skip~

After that I went to the lobby to wait for them and spotted Namjoon walking towards me.

Yn: Hey, where's Tae?

Namjoon: He had to uhh go to the, he just had some business to take care of.

Yn: Hmm that's odd, he said that he was free today.

Namjoon: Well that's what he said and why do you keep bothering about him! Just leave it and let's go now.

Yn: Fine, fine it was just a question. Are we going to pick Naeun up?

Namjoon: No, today I'm going to be spending the day with my wife.

I cringed a little inside but his words made my heart race as I tried to conceal the smile that was creeping up.

Yn: Ooh we should go to Gelato Fantasy, Tae and I went there yesterday and it's amazing.

Namjoon: If you want gelato I've got a better place than that, we'll go to Gelateria Millevogile.

Yn: Okay but where is the car?

Namjoon: I rented out bikes for us instead, we can just ride around the city. Come on it'll be romantic.

The words he said was everything I wanted to hear but I know they hold no meaning. Is it bad that a part of me wants him to not be so good to me, it certainly would make everything easier. His empty gestures give me hope, a hope I know will never turn into anything more.

Namjoon: Yn, you okay? It's fine if you wanna take the car.

Yn: No I would love to ride the bikes, I was just daydreaming.

I was about to ride the bike when I noticed the chain was loose.

Yn: Namjoon, I think that the bike is broken.

Namjoon: Really? It was fine when I brought it before. Yeah it seems the chain is broken. Okay why don't you get on the back of my bike and we'll just go like that.

Yn: Are you sure?

Namjoon: Yeah now quickly come on and you can hold onto me if you want.

I sat at the back of the bike and cautiously held onto him.I rested my head on his back as I felt him tense up but then relax.

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