The truth- Part 1

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I sat there stunned, replaying his words. My mind understands what he is saying but there's a whole part of me screaming in agony. After all that we'd been through to get here everything just ends in a second. I told him to leave as I just couldn't be around him right now. The door opened and i turned my head to be met with Eli. The tears boarded my eyes and I burst out crying, finally letting out all that bottled up feelings. She ran towards me and held me whilst patting my back.

Eli: Yn what happened?

Yn: H-he wants a divorce!

Eli: WHAT!

Yn: He didn't even give me a proper reason, he just said that he loves me but sometimes things are out of our control.

Eli: That jerk! Oh sweetie it's okay. You're gonna be just fine. Let it all out okay.

Yn: I love him, I love him so much. How am I gonna live without him?

Eli: The same way you lived before he ever came into your life.

Yn: I feel like I need some air, maybe I should just go for a walk to clear my mind?

Eli: Yes I think that's for the best. Clear your mind and remember I'm here if you need me.

Yn: I'll head out and go to the park nearby.

Eli: Okay but be safe.

I nodded and walked out of the house and soon I was left alone with my thoughts. Once I reached there I sat on one of the swings as i felt the cold air brush against my skin. Goosebumps erupted all over my body and I mentally scolded myself for not bringing a jacket. My gaze soon settled on a little figure holding an ice cream in the distance. Rowoon? Why is he standing there alone? I walked up to him and he turned to look at me.

Yn: Hi Rowoon. What are you doing here alone? Where is your mum and dad?

Rowoon: She's coming now.

Iwas confused when a lady came and called him.

??: Rowoon! Oh hi who are you?

The lady had a smile on her face as she held Rowoon's tiny hand.

Yn: Hi my name is Yn.

I was about to ask her who she was to Rowoon when she said something that made my jaw drop.

??: I'm sorry if my son bothered you.

Yn: Yo-your son? Rowoon is YOUR son? Him, this little boy?

??: Uhm yes. Excuse me but we have to go now.

As she walked away I heard her whisper shout at Rowoon.

??: Rowoon, how many times have I told you not to talk to strangers!

Rowoon: But mommy she's not a stranger, she's that uncle's wife who you said I must act like is my dad.

I froze in my tracks and I saw the lady turn to me with a frightened look before speed walking away. After what I just heard, she has got a lot of explaining to do. I ran after her and she stopped once I blocked her path.

Yn: Who are you!? Why did he just say that? Tell me! Tell me what is going on.

??: Ma'am listen, I'm not sure what you heard but maybe you misunderstood something.

Yn: Please don't lie to me. I need to know what is going on.

She looked at me and turned away and started walking again.

Yn: I just lost my husband, the love of my life and all because he thinks that Rowoon is his son but now Rowoon says that he's your baby. Please I'm begging you, tell me what is going on.

??: Our house is nearby, come and I'll explain everything.

I smiled in victory and walked with her. We reached her house and she began telling me everything.

??: So yeah that's basically it, Lisa saw Rowoon at the park one day and offered to pay for his future and take care of all of his needs if he just pretended to be her son. She proved to us that she was legit so we said yes. Listen I'm really sorry if we caused you any troubles but I have to look out for Rowoon's future.

Yn: I understand why you did why you did. Thank you for telling me by the way.

??: Not a problem.

Yn: Oh I never got your name.

??: You can just call me Jennie.

Yn:Thank you Jennie.

After she explained everything I decided to confront Lisa about it. I phoned her and asked to meet up. Finally the truth is gonna get exposed. She said that she wanted to meet up at "their" house. I knocked on the door, eagerly awaiting this moment.

Lisa: Ah Yn, come in and have a seat.

Yn: I know everything Lisa, it's all over.

Lisa: Okay.

Yn: W-why are you so calm?

Lisa: Oh sweetie, you didn't actually think I wouldn't have a backup plan.

She grabbed a paper that was on her desk and handed it to me. My eyes widened at the headline.


Yn: What the hell is this!?

Lisa: Well it's just a rough draft. You see if you do anything stupid, all of this gets published everywhere.

Yn: Please once we debunk all of this you'll be gone. We could easily prove to the public that Rowoon is not Namjoon's baby and that you manipulated everything.

Lisa: That may be so but by the time yourl do all of that Namjoon's business would have already suffered a great loss. You see one of the most important factors in the business world is image and even if none of this is true and yourl manage to prove it Namjoon's name and company will be tainted. No one will want to work with him and you of all people know how important his company is to him.

Yn: Once we release this your name would also be dragged through the mud, all of your hard work would have been for nothing. Are you really going to risk all of that?

Lisa: You see when I want something, I GET IT. I will do anything to get Namjoon. I don't care about the lengths I have to go to get him.

Yn: You're absolutely crazy.

Lisa: That may be true but in the end crazy got me everything I wanted. I'll have the guards escort you out. Namjoon will be back and I need to get little Rowoon here so we can all have a little family day together.

Yn: How exactly do you plan to fool Namjoon that Rowoon is his son forever. The truth is bound to come out.

Liss: Oh I don't have to fool him forever, just until we get married.

I turned my head to the door and in walked Namjoon.

Namjoon: Yn? What are you doing here?

Lisa: She's here to sign the papers so that yourl can file for the divorce. Isn't that right Yn?

I nodded my head and saw a flash of hurt in his eyes before he masked it.

Lisa: Now that you both are here, why don't you sign it together.

She brought the paper right in front of us and handed him a pen. He hesitated at first but eventually signed it. He looked me right in the eyes as he handed the pen to me. Could the universe be so cruel that this day would actually come. I signed my name as a tear dropped onto the paper and just like that everything will come to an end.

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