Past Surprises

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I woke up with Namjoon's arms wrapped around my waist, I slightly turned around to face him and gazed at him in awe. The way the sunlight lit up his face and defined his features, I traced his cheeks with my finger when I stopped at his lips and pecked them. I felt him move so I pulled away but with his eyes closed he gripped my waist tighter and pulled me against his chest and captured my lips as I tilted my head to deepen the kiss.

Namjoon:This is a wonderful way to start the day.

Yn:It is BUT you do have to get to work sleepy head.


He whined cutely as he hid his face in my chest and cuddled further into me before groaning and getting up to take a shower.

~Short time skip~

I heard the sound of the bathroom door open as I propped up onto my elbows with my cell phone in one hand.

Namjoon: Hey who're you talking to?

He put the towel that he was using to wipe his hair down and practically jumped on the bed whilst looking up at me.

Yn: I was just talking to Tae, he came back from a meeting abroad and was wondering if we could meet up.

Namjoon: Yeah that would be nice I'll get ready then we can ALL meet.

Yn:Huh? Aren't you going to work?

Namjoon: Well not anymore. Also I got you an outfit that I want you to wear, go and change into it please🥺

~time skip~

Namjoon's and your outfit

Namjoon's and your outfit

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Yn:You got us...matching outfits?

Namjoon:Yeah, I saw it and thought that it would look cute. Do you like it?

Yn:I love it, thank you *air kisses*

~Time skip~
*Awkward atmosphere*

Taehyung: I honestly thought it was just gonna be the two of us.

Namjoon: Surprise*sarcastic*

Yn:*awkward smile* Well moving on, how was the trip?

Taehyung:It went really great, our company sealed the deal.

Namjoon:Which company did yourl sign with?

Taehyung:Bighit industries.

Namjoon:WHAT!Our company has been fielding that deal for months. Yourl can't just take it away!

Taehyung: Well that's business kid.


Taehyung:OH YEAH WELL-

Yn:Okay ENOUGH business talk.

Namjoon and Tae in unison:But you're the one who asked.


Taehyung:Okay, okay don't shout.

Namjoon:Yeah we're in a public place, have some manners.

Yn:Yourl were jus- you guys wer-

Namjoon:Maybe she needs some fresh air, she's acting up again.

Taehyung:Yeah you can practically see the craziness in her eyes.

*Namjoon comes closer to look at your face as they both begin trying to look into your eyes*

Namjoon:OH OH I can see it, she looks pissed!

Namjoon and Tae immediately look at each other in fear.

Taehyung:On the count of 3 we run. 1,

Namjoon:3, byeeee.

Taehyung:Wait for Meeee.

Yn:These two will be the death of me. They're practically children, one second they're at each other's throats then the next they're best friends.

Namjoon: Well now that you two have caught up I suppose it's time to head home now.

Taehyung: Not as yet I still have a whole day planned. First we were supposed to get some lunch then we were gonna go to the amusement park and then have some dinner at a nice restaurant I booked and finally we were gonna top the day of with some ice cream and a walk around the city.

Namjoon: Wow what a wonderful date you had planned...with my wife🙄

Yn:Oh i-i don't think it was a date right Tae?

Taehyung: No it was definitely meant to be a date.

Yn:You're really not making this any better for yourself.

Namjoon:Well I'm sorry to interrupt but yn and I had better get going.

Taehyung:Okay maybe next time yn. Good bye.

Yn: Bye Tae.

~Outside the house~

Namjoon: Yeah but still why does he have to be like that with you!

Yn:He's not bei-

??: Hello Namjoon.

I immediately turned my attention to an unknown voice that had echoed from the driveway outside the house. Standing infront of me was a tall, beautiful girl.I turned to Namjoon who looked like he had just seen a ghost and before I could ask him how he knew the girl he ran to her with a huge smile and hugged her whilst spinning her around. They kept on talking and laughing together as I began to feel like a third wheel.

Yn:*clears throat*

Namjoon:Oh I want you to meet someone. Yn this is-

??: Lalisa Manoban. A pleasure.

 A pleasure

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