Wedding day

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I woke up today and I'm not sure how I feel. It's supposed to be an exciting new chapter in my life but why does it feel like the complete opposite. I just have to keep reminding myself it's for my mum and dad.


Yn: Selia I swear I will yeet you through the window! Why would you scare me like that, I just woke up!

Selia: Yeah I can tell.
She said eyeing me from top to bottom.

Yn:Hey! Just go out so I can change.

Selia: Fine,fine. Oh and I'll bring your wedding dress up,along with everything else. Later on I'll do your makeup,okays?

Yn:I got it.

Selia:Yeah I feel bad for my brother in law he has to wake up to this every morning, you look like a bird that just went through turbulents.
She said while laughing as I threw my pillow at her.

~time skip~

Selia was finishing up my makeup as I looked at myself in the mirror. It was such a strange feeling, I was getting married. I didn't really expect all of this to happen so soon.

Y/m/n: Yn it's time.

Yn: Wait, already.

But I'm not ready,it's the same feeling as when I'm supposed to say a speech in front of the entire class. Deep breaths, deep breaths. I'm sure if I make a run for it now I can get away. I'll move to a different state and change my name,begin a new life. Yeah sounds like a plan.

Selia: Don't even think about running away. Come on, let's go.

Geez how did she even know, I swear sometimes I think she might be an alien.

Yn: You're creepy.

Selia: Yeah, you've established this before. Now stop wasting time.

Namjoon POV

I was standing at the altar waiting for her to walk down the aisle. I was calm on the outside but every part of me felt like screaming. Yn is great but she is not the one I love, someone else holds that place in my heart.

The orchestra started playing indicating that she was coming. I looked up to meet her eyes,in that moment my mind went blank. It's true,she does look beautiful,I'll give her credit for that. As she walked down I could sense that she was just as nervous as I was so I held out my hand to her and smiled,hoping that maybe she would feel less nervous. She looked confused at first but eventually complied.

The priest got on with the ceremony and we said our vows. It was finally time to kiss my bride. Both of us looked visibly uncomfortable so I decided to just take the initiative and pulled her waist while I kissed her.


The priest said that which I was most nervous for but before I could even think I felt his lips sealed on mine. We both moved in sync and at first it was just a forced kiss but as we got deeper it became so much more.I felt calm but at the same time it felt like I was on a rollercoaster and fireworks were just everywhere. Everyone else in the room was left forgotten as we only existed in that moment. If this was going to be the last kiss with him and I know it just might, I was gonna put my heart and soul into it. I was getting to the point where I had forgotten to breathe and just then the crowd erupted into clapping and laughter as we both pulled away.

Shit did we just do that in front of everyone! I looked over to Namjoon and saw him turn red as he looked over at me,we both just looked away instantly to hide the blush that was creeping up.

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