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Yn:Wait as in THE Lalisa Manoban, the owner of LM clothing line! I admire your work so much. It's an absolute honor.

Lisa: Hmm and who are you again?

Namjoon: This is yn...my wife.

Lisa: Oh you got married, what happened to Na eun?

Namjoon: it's complicated but we're not exactly together anymore.

Lisa: Hmm seems like I've missed a great deal. Well why don't we catch up, just the two of us. You know there's this fabulous new trendy restaurant that opened up and I managed to make reservations for us. Oh my but I only made reservations for two, I guess you can't come yn. I really do apologize if only I'd have known sooner.

Namjoon: It's okay there are plenty of restaurants, I'm sure we can make reservations for the 3 of us somewhere else.

Lisa:Aww I was so looking forward to going to that restaurant and to think I waited for months. *pout*

Yn:You know what it's totally cool, yourl can go I'll just chill at home and ooh this will give me time to catch up on some series.

Lisa:Oh as long as you're sure. Anywho let's go Joonie.

I watched them go away as she gripped onto his arm whilst pulling him and giggling🙄

~Time skip~

Yn: I've been watching this show but I'm getting really bored. When will he come home!

~Ring ring~

Na eun: Hey yn how are you?

Yn:H-hey I'm doing good, what about yourself?

Na eun:I'm fine. Listen I think we need to talk may I come over?

Yn: Yes of course. See you then.

Na eun: Bye


♡Time skip♡

Na eun: Hey again

Yn:Hey uhm come have a seat.

Na eun: Thank you.

Yn: Would you like anything?

Na eun: No thank you I'm fine...

《Awkward silence》

Yn:Okay listen I'm really sorry and I know that sorry won't cut it I'm just so stupid shit I'm so crazy and an idiot and did I mention that I'm sorry cause I really am.

Na eun: *chuckle* I forgive you.

Yn:Okay I knew you'd say that and I really don't expect to to forgive us- wait what

Na eun: I said that I forgive you silly.

Yn: Oh my gosh thank you so much and i hope you don't mind me asking but why the sudden change?

Na eun: Well i realised that Namjoon and i just weren't meant to be and holding onto that would've just made us both miserable. I really do care for him, always have and always will but I've found someone else who I feel might actually be the one. We've gone out a few times and he's really incredible, I feel like I'm actually grateful in a way that Namjoon and I didn't really work out because now we're with the people we were meant to be with.

Yn: Wow that's amazing and what's this guys name, how'd yourl meet? Tell me everything!!!This is so exciting!

Na eun: Oh I will tell you everything, it all started when...*Tells the story of how Jimin and her met*

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