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Na eun: You are no brother of mine!

Yoongi: Tsk tsk * shoves Na eun and walks in* I like what you've done with the place.

Na eun: Get out!

Yoongi plops down on the sofa whilst facing her.

Yoongi: We've got a lot to talk about. The name Y/N ring a bell?

Na sun's entire expression drops as she looks him dead in the eye whilst he smirks with a sinister look.

Na eun: Speak...

Yoongi: See that wasn't so hard was it?😈

Na eun: Say what you have to say then leave.

Yoongi: Fine, my boss seems to have taken an interest with yn, turns out they have quite the romantic history and I just thought you might wanna know that seeing your little predicament.

Na eun: If you're done, the door is right over there. I'm sure you can escort yourself out.

Yoongi: *chuckles* I'm just saying do with that information what you will. He said I that I should give you his number just in case.

*Slams the door in his face*

Na eun: *Sigh*

I can't help but look at the paper with that guy's number and think of the possibilities. What if I were to do this? Am I a horrible person for even considering to stoop this low? Wouldn't anyone though? Is it so bad that I want to hold onto my love, he's been my everything since we were kids, I can't just let him go. I'm in love with him but the thing is how far am I willing to go for this love.

~Flash back~

Boy: No one loves you, you're just a silly little girl.

Little Na eun: *crying*

Little Namjoon: Hey!leave her alone.

Boy: Aww look your little boyfriend is here to save you.

Namjoon goes up to the bully and kicks him on his leg as the boy starts crying and runs away saying that he will pay for it.

Namjoon: Na eun are you okay?

Na eun: Yeah I'm fine thank you Joonie🥺

Namjoon: Don't worry Na eun I pinky promise that I will always be here with you and protect you. As long as I'm here no one will ever hurt you. *Hugs her and strokes her hair* I love you.

 *Hugs her and strokes her hair* I love you

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Na eun: I love you too☺

~End of flashback~

He promised me that he would protect me from anyone that hurt me but what will he do when he finds out that the person is himself?

Namjoon POV

My life feels like such a mess right now! Why the hell did I even say that to her, we were just getting closer but I ruined it, i ruined everything! Why am I starting to feel this way towards her? I have so many questions, I've never been in this situation before. Do I go and apologize or just give her some time to cool down? Flip it, I'll find her then apologize to her first. Maybe she's at her parents house, I'll take the car.

Namjoon: Wait you're back already?

Yn: Yeah I came right now.

Namjoon: Who were you with?

Yn: I went to Hogwarts with Hagrid😃

Namjoon: Come on stop lying who were you with?

Yn: Well that's ironic coming from you.

Namjoon: Okay I walked right into that one but that's just what I want to talk to you about. I was out of line saying that, I need you to know that even if we met because it was arranged I don't regret a thing. I'm sorry I lied about everything and there's no excuse for that, please forgive me?

Yn: *sigh* I was with Taehyung, we went to a cafe.

Namjoon: ... okay so did you enjoy yourself? What's going on with you two? Do you like him? Did he pick you up or did you drive? And what exactly were you two even doi-

Yn: Okay wait calm down!

Namjoon: Okay fine but only if I get a kiss on the cheek.

Yn: 😳

Namjoon: *chuckles* You look cute when you blush.

Yn: STOPP!!! I'm going to freshen up.

Namjoon: Yeah me too, let's go.

Yn: NOO you stay, just stay here, stayyy✋

Namjoon: Alright, alright it was just funny seeing you blush like that😂

Yn: *Eye roll* Please you did not make me blush.

I closed my eyes for a second and there he was, right in front of me. I could feel his hot breath on my face as he held my chin and tilted my head up so he could look directly into my eyes. His lips were just inches away from mine as he took a step closer to me and my back hit the wall, I closed my eyes waiting for something to happen and...

Namjoon: Are you sure you didn't blush because I could get you a mirror if you want🤭

My eyes shot open to a laughing Namjoon as I just ran upstairs. Why did I have to close my eyes? Damn it he must be feeling so smug right now!

Na eun POV


??: Meet me at xxxx bar. Tell no one.

~End of call~

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