Baby Oh Baby

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Namjoon: She's absolutely mad, I'll deal with it you just stay away from all of the paparazzi and don't worry about a thing.

*Kisses her forehead*

(Knock knock)

I go to open the door and see Lisa standing there with a smug look on her face and reporters behind her. Suddenly she starts crying and hugs me with a tight grip.

Lisa: Oh yn I'm so sorry, I really didn't mean for you to find out this way! I really wish I could go back.

I was shocked and furious at how she was manipulating everything. She wiped her tears and came inside the house as the swarm of reporters tried to get a statement but in vain. I closed the door behind us and glared at her as she plopped herself down onto our sofa and took the picture frame of Namjoon and I from the table.

Lisa: Tsk tsk, honestly what does he even see in you?

Namjoon went up to her and grabbed the frame out of her hand.

Namjoon: What the hell is all of this?

Lisa: Namjoon come on we don't have to deny it any longer.

Yn: Cut the crap and tell us what you want! Why are you doing this? Why are you trying to ruin our lives?

Lisa: I want Namjoon, I thought I was clear on that.

Yn: Well that's too bad now get out! We'll clear everything with the media and you can't do anything.

Lisa: You're just gonna throw me out like that even when Namjoon and I have a child together.

She had a smirk plastered on her face as one of her bodyguards brought in a little boy that looked to be 5 years old. He seemed reserved and a bit afraid of what was going on.

Lisa: This is little Rowoon...Kim Rowoon.

Yn & Namjoon: What!

Lisa: He's our child Namjoon.

Yn: Well that escalated quickly.

Namjoon: You do realise how delusional you are being right. We've never...done anything.

Lisa: Of course you won't remember, we were both really drunk. It was about 5 years ago remember, I had just come back from my trip to London and Na eun had been on a business trip. It was the New years eve party and well we both drank A LOT.

I turned to Namjoon to see his eyes widen.

Namjoon's POV

~Flashback to that night~


Namjoon: Lisa it's been so long! How was London?

Liss: It was amazing, where's Na eun?

Namjoon: Oh she's gone on a business trip.

Lisa: And she left you all alone and that too on New Years eve.

Namjoon: No I understand I mean she's just starting out at her dad's company and she has to prove that she can handle it. I'll be doing the same starting this year.

Lisa: Well no need to wallow in sadness that she abandoned you.

Namjoon: I wasn't wallo-

Lisa: shhh shhh let's get some drinks.

Namjoon: No I'm fine I have to find someone anyway...

Lisa: Come on it's New years loosen up a bit.

Namjoon: *sigh* Fine.

Lisa: Attaboy.

Namjoon: Just one though.

~10 minutes later~

Namjoon: *laughing* How many of these did we have?!!

Lisa: I don't even know at this point. Hey let's go upstairs I want to tell you something. It's urgent.

Namjoon: To the stairsup I mean the upstairs. UP-STAIRS, that's a funny word. *Laughing*

I turned to Lisa as we got to the room upstairs when she pulled me into a deep kiss and the last thing I remember is closing my eyes. It's all blank after that.

~The present~

Namjoon: Oh shit.

Yn: What do you mean by "Oh shit"

Namjoon: I remember that we were really drunk and then we kissed. That's all I can remember.

Yn stepped back in shock as she looked at me with tears in her eyes. She looked at the child then at me.

Namjoon: Yn please I never meant for any of this...

Yn then turned to Rowoon and bent down to his level.

Yn: Hey sweetie, you know I've got some chocolate in the kitchen would you like some?

His eyes lit up at the mention of chocolate as he nodded his head frantically.

Yn: The nice man will go with you and you'll see it's I'm the fridge, I've even got some hot chocolate in the cupboard for you.

She nodded to the bodyguard to take him into the kitchen as he held Rowoon's little hand and took him.

Yn: He's still a kid, he doesn't need to hear this. He must be confused and scared. Listen Namjoon...

She looked at me with sad eyes and I knew what was coming.

Yn: You have a child and he deserves a complete and happy family. He should be with both his mum and dad...

Namjoon: Yn we can work this out, he can stay here at times and he can also be with his mum. None of this means I'll love him any less. He'll get triple the amount of love.

She stared into my eyes and shook her head.

Yn: Please, I could never do that to that him. He should be with both of yourl. I think I'll stay with one of my friends for the weekend, Lisa and Rowoon should stay here for you to get to know him. I just need some time to figure all this out.

Namjoon: Yn...

Yn: Just, just be with him for now. I promise that we'll figure everything out.

I knew what she said made sense but that didn't make it right. Why couldn't she be here with us, I know how good she is with kids and I'm sure that he'll love her. Right now I think our main focus should be Rowoon though.

I went up to her and held her hands.

Namjoon: Fine I'll do as you say but don't for one minute think that this means that I'm letting you go so easily. When I said I love you I meant it and when I said my vows those weren't just words, those were promises...till death do us part.

I held her tightly in my arms and kissed her like it could be our last. But one things for sure it won't, not heaven nor earth could separate us and I'd make sure of that.

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