Danger Kiss

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We have arrived in Venice and everything is just breathtaking. Hobi and I have separated ways already because he had some business to take care of but he promised me that we will meet up soon.I was Interrupted from my thoughts when Naeun came running to me whilst engulfing me into a bear hug! She was giggling non stop which not gonna lie made me do the same.

Naeun: Y/N! I'm so excited, everything seems so perfect here.

Namjoon: Yeah come on, we rented out a car, will the three of us drive together or do yourl wanna get two separate cars?

Out of the corner of my eye I saw him glance at Naeun so I assumed that he wanted to spend some more time with her alone.

Yn: Yeah i think that would be better, you two can spend some quality time together.

Naeun: Hey are you sure, I don't want you wandering alone in an unfamiliar place.

Yn: I'm fine,really!

It's what makes him happy. I know that I'll be fine anyway, I've always wanted to visit Venice! Today is gonna be a good day.

Namjoon:Come on,let's goo!

He said smiling happily while dragging Naeun to the car.

Yn: Okay where to first? I'll rather go and unpack everything at the hotel. One thing that may be a a bit of a problem is finding out where the hotel actually is?

The perfect thing to solve this hiccup is food and if you're thinking how food will solve this? Well shut up I'm hungry!

I went to a nearby restaurant and just wow, the food is incredible! I was done eating which brought me back to reality and the problem at hand .You know the ironic part is that Dora doesn't seem so dumb for always getting lost anymore. Well at least she had a talking monkey but mine went to spend time with his girlfriend. (It's just a joke, I love Namjoon! Don't come for me.)

~Time skip~
I've wandering around for quite some time and I'm starting to get tired now. Why can't life ever just be easy for once!

??: Yn over here!

Huh? I turned around to the voice that called out to me and to my surprise It was Tae! Wait honestly this is starting to get eerie how he just shows up whenever I need him. Perhaps it's fate?

Yn: HEY TAEE! What are you doing here?

Taehyung: I came to do a collaboration with the Jung Company for a fashion shoot.

Yn: Wait, Jung? As in Hoseok's company?

Taehyung: Yeah, do you know him?

Yn: We go wayy back, I also saw him on the flight and we were catching up.

Taehyung: Aah, hey crazy idea! I just cleared my schedule, do you wanna maybe roam around aimlessly and just make this the best day?!

Yn: Well I'm not really doing anything, so I'd love to.

We were walking to his car when I felt him intertwine our hands. I was startled at first but the feeling of his warm hands against mine just eased me in. They were quite large compared to mine, while he wasn't looking, I was examining it when a little tattoo on the inner of his ring finger caught my eye. It was the word twin which honestly made me so confused. Does he perhaps have a one? I'll ask him later.

Taehyung: Okay where to first? Ooh I've got it! We'll first take a boat ride on Canal Grande and then we can go "window" shopping at the Rialto market. Then we can just walk around and maybe get some ice cream.

We spent our time laughing and having fun, I've gotta admit this may have been the best day ever! He does the most random things in public and acts like no on is watching and for once I got out of my comfort zone and felt my eyes open to not how I saw the world before but how it was truly meant to be seen. I saw it through the eyes of a child again, I felt free. I danced like no one was watching and ran through the city feeling everything else fade. He made me feel like anything was possible, the scrutinizing stares that we got no longer played in my mind, after all how could they understand the plight of a caged bird when they don't even notice that they're trapped themselves?

Yn: You didn't!
I said laughing whilst clutching my stomach.

Taehyung: I did and regret nothing. The man had a toupee on and after the way he treated that dog he deserved the wind to magically blow it off.

Yn: Well it's actually getting pretty late and I still have to find my hotel. So I think we'd better get going. Thank you for today.

Taehyung: You're welcome, now come on and we'll tell the driver which hotel it is.

~The hotel~

Taehyung: I'll walk you to your room.

Yn: We're here. Hey Tae I meant to ask you, what's the tattoo on your finger why does it say twin? Do you perhaps have one?

Taehyung: Actyally no, it's kind of weird.

Yn: Try me.

Taehyung: Well a long time ago I heard about twin flames and instantly fell in love with the whole concept. When I was getting a tattoo I decided that I would get the word twin so that someday when I meet the right person, she could get the word flame tattooed on her ring finger. I know it sounds silly but when you think of both the words alone they are just that words but when put together they give each other meaning and that's what someday I long to have.

What he said made sense, his words had such depth.

Yn: It doesn't sound silly at all, that was the most beautiful thing that I've ever heard.

Taehyung: Listen yn, I'm very straightforward, I go for what i want...

As he said those words and gazed into my eyes,I felt a magnetic pull. His face inched closer to mine and our breaths were getting mixed together. He then whispered softly.

Taehyung: And what I want is you!

He grabbed me by my waist and kissed me deeply. I could feel the emotion that he put in,it was addictive and butterflies swarmed my stomach. Our lips moved in sync as I felt myself nearly gasping for air.


One minute everything was going perfectly and then in the next I see Taehyung sprawled out on the floor, grasping his now bleeding nose.

I sat down beside him whilst trying to process what just happened. My eyes then flicker up to catch a glimpse of who the attacker was.


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