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Na eun POV

I walked into the bar a bit nervous. It looked quite shabby and dangerous, the people in there stared at me like I was an outsider which I guess is not wrong. This is my first time being to a place like this and I am petrified.

??:Na eun

I immediately turn around to be met face to face with a tall, muscular man.

Na eun: You must be Jungkook. Let's get this over with, why did you call me here?

Jungkook: Yoongi was right, you get straight to the point. Not even a little game of cat and mouse?

Na eun: Either tell me what you want or I'm walking out that door. I have no time for your nonsense.

Jungkook: Fine but you're no fun.So it appears we both have a common goal, you want Namjoon and I want Namjoon out of the picture. It's honestly a win win, you get to stay with Namjoon whilst I get to be with Yn. All you have to do is say the words and you're in.

Na eun: Fine, you're crazy and I'm leaving. Good bye and good luck with your insanity.

Jungkook: *chuckle* I must say I'm quite impressed with how you're just willing to let the one you love go, you see I believe that it isn't love if it isn't worth fighting for. But that's just my opinion.

Na eun hesitates as she turns to look back at him one last time before leaving.


Jungkook: She'll be back, I've planted the seed in her mind.😈

Yoongi: Good, we'll be expecting her soon then and I'll get everything ready.


Namjoon POV

Namjoon: YN! YN! Aish where is this girl?

Yn: I'm here, I'm here, what's wrong?

Namjoon: Why do you look so out of breath?

Yn: Because you were yelling like there was a fire so I came rushing down here!

Namjoon: Oh okay, well I have to go to the office today but I'm taking half the day off so why don't you come with me and we can go somewhere after?

Yn: Yeah that sounds good and plus I don't have any classes today, oh but I do want to find a part time job in the meantime. I'll do that tomorrow.

Namjoon: Mhhm, come on let's go and please go and change. It's 6 in the morning and you're still in your PJ's.

Yn: I'm pretty sure you are the ONLY person who would say that. I'll go get ready anyway.

~Time skip~


I've been sitting here for hours and I think I'm going to go mad.

Yn: How long is this gonna take????

Namjoon: Just hold on, why don't you set these papers for me?

Yn: No, it's too boring. I'll just sit here and waitt. Office work is so annoying.

I was deep in thought when we heard a knock at the door.

Namjoon: Come in.

As the door opened I saw a tall guy walk in and boy did my heart start beating faster. If we were in a cartoon my eyes would have been heart shaped.

Namjoon: Ahh Rowoon hyung. (In this fanfic Rowoon is older than Namjoon, all their ages will be listed at the end of this chapter)

Rowoon: Oh sorry I didn't realise you had company, hello my name is Rowoon and you are?

Namjoon POV

What the heck is wrong with this girl, she just keeps staring at him.

Yn: Oh hi, my name is Yn.

Rowoon: Well that's a lovely name

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Rowoon: Well that's a lovely name.

Yn: *giggle* Thank youu.

Rowoon: I just came to drop off some files. Jeez I'm exhausted.

Yn: Yeah all that work must be so tiring, come have a seat you poor, poor thing. You know I was just telling Namjoon how important office work is. In fact I was about to do some right now. You should just rest, you work so hard.

 You should just rest, you work so hard

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Namjoon's reaction is like this^

Rowoon: Aww thank you, you're so cutee. *ruffles yn's hair* look you're blushing.

Yn:No I'm not. *covers her cheeks*

Rowoon: *chuckle* Actually I've got to go now, I hope to see you around more often.

Yn: Wow, I didn't realise how tall you are! Goodbye Rowoon.

Namjoon: Yeah, GoOdByE RoWoOn.🙄
*In a mocking tone*

~Once Rowoon leaves~

Namjoon: oH hI, mY nAmE iS yN aNd i lOvE oFfIcE wOrK.

Yn: I do not sound like that!

Namjoon: oH RoWoOn yOu'Re sO TaLl.

Yn: That's it get back over here.

They both start chasing each other and laughing when Yn finally catches up to him and pins him on the couch.

Yn: Waitt a minute are you jealous??

Namjoon: Please I don't get jealous.

Yn: Fine, you know I think I'm gonna ask Rowoon to join us after work?

I was trying to get up while holding in my giggle when I felt someone grab my waist and I was pulled onto the couch but this time he had me pinned down.

Namjoon: You aren't going anywhere. Fine I'm jealous okay? I don't want you to look at another guy like that, I want to be the only guy you see.

As he said those words,his eyes captured mine and I felt every part in my body tingle, my heart began to race and butterflies swarmed my tummy.

Namjoon: *kisses your eyes* I want these eyes to only look at me. *kisses your nose* I love your little nose that flares up when you get angry. *Kisses your cheeks* I love these cheeks that flush red when you blush. And lastly I love these lips because only I can kiss them *kisses your lips*

A/n : Character's ages

Namjoon: 24
Yn: 21
Taehyung: 23
J hope: 21
Na eun:26
Yoongi: 25
Jungkook: 22
Rowoon: 25

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