The Plan

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Namjoon's POV

Namjoon:W-what did you just say?

Rowoon: This is my real eomma.

Jennie: I think that I should explain everything. Please come in.

I entered the house and we were settled down on the couch, when the lady who introduced herself as Jennie came in with a gloomy expression.

Jennie: Firstly I want to apologize in advance for what I am about to say.

Namjoon: Oh okay.

She sat down on the opposite side of the couch and began explaining everything from the very beginning. I was shocked to hear about how I had so easily been deceived.

Jennie: That's everything. Listen I really am sorry, I just wanted to give my Rowoon a better life but it just ended up causing more problems for you.

Namjoon: It's okay, I understand where you are coming from. In the time that I've spent with Rowoon I've come to really grow fond of him. I would like it if I could still be a part of his life. I want to pay for all of his expenses and make sure that he does have a good life.

She hugged Rowoon tightly as tears steamed down from her eyes.

Jennie:Thank you, thank you so much.

Namjoon: I wonder though, if Yn really knew about this then why didn't she tell me anything?

Jennie: I'm sure that Lisa must've threatened her with something.

Namjoon: I think that you are right. Well I'm not gonna let go of Yn so easily this time. I have to find a way to expose Lisa.

Jennie: I would like to help you.

Namjoon: Yes thank you Jennie. We are gonna need all the help we can get. I firstly need to phone Yn and sort everything out.

~Time skip~


Here I stood waiting at the beach in the middle of the night. I was surprised when Namjoon called and said that he needed to speak to me urgently. I assumed that he wanted to talk more about finalizing the divorce.


I heard him say my name and my heart started beating rapidly. I turned around to face him and all I could think about was running into his arms but I got control of myself and shoved those thoughts away.

Namjoon: Yn, I called you here because I wanted to speak about us.

Oh how I longed to hear those words but I'm afraid that they're going to be too bitter for me to bear so turned and began walking away.

Yn: I have no time for this.

Namjoon: I know everything!

I froze in my tracks and spun around to see if I heard right.

Yn: I don't know what you mean.

Namjoon: Come on Yn, I know that Lisa was lying. I met Jennie and she told me everything.

Yn: Even if you do know now there's not much that we can do. Lisa has a news article that she can release that says you two had a one night stand and that you are having an affair with her. It even says that you have a child with her.

Namjoon: So what! We can debunk all of those rumors.

Yn: But the damage would have already been done, your company will suffer a huge loss and your reputation will be tarnished. All that hardwork that you and your father put in to building the company would have all been for nothing.

He started walking towards me and cupped my face in his hands.

Namjoon: That's why you didn't tell me and decided that you would just leave me. Seriously Yn, do you really belive that I would care about a silly company over you! When I told you that I loved you I meant it, those weren't just empty words. Listen as cliche as this may sound, I don't care if I was the most successful person on this Earth or if I had all the riches and treasures of the world because without you there in my arms all of that would be worthless. YOU are my world, YOU are my everything and the thought of losing you makes me feel broken. You once said that I remind you of the moon and I never told you then but you are my sun, you reflect all your light on me to keep me bright. Without you my life would always be dark.I LOVE YOU KIM Y/N!! And I'll scream it for the whole world to know.

Tears were streaming down his cheeks as he captured my lips with his. In that moment I felt all my pain, all my fears and everything else just dissapear.

Yn: I love you too.

I whispered and pecked his lips.

Jennie & Taehyung: Uhhhh

Jennie & Taehyung: Uhhhh

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Yn: Ahh! Why didn't you tell me they were there

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Yn: Ahh! Why didn't you tell me they were there.

They all started laughing as Taehyung came and put his arms over Namjoon's shoulders.

Taehyung: As much as we wouldn't want to interrupt you two love birds but we still have to explain the plan, right hyung?

He wiggled his eyebrows at Namjoon.

Yn: Since when did you two become friends?

Taehyung: Well you see we both decided to sort out our problems for the betterment of society. This way we can expose Lisa. You know what Yn, I said that fighting all the time will get us no where and that we should act like the mature grown ups that we are. I decided that I was gonna be the bigger man and put all this behind us.

Namjoon: I literally phoned you and suggested this whole thing!

Taehyung:Shh hyung, no one likes a bragger.

They all gathered around and explained what the plan was and how we were gonna execute everything. Tomorrow Lisa was finally going to pay.

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