The afterlife- Ceris

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I walked into the room to see a woman sitting at a desk in the room, along with a few people sitting in various spots in the room. The lady has bright orange hair, fare skin, one green, and one glowing eye, and wore light green business outfit. I walked over to the desk, and saw a golden nameplate,

Mrs. Alex Brine. Is she-

Just then, she noticed me, and said "Hello there ma'am, how may I help you?"

"Um, hi. I'm here to be put into the system I guess? Herobrine sent me." I say.

"Ah, gotcha. May I have your scroll please?" She asked politely.

I nod, handing it over to her. She accepts it, and types something into her glowing typewriter box thing. After that, she unrolls the scroll and almost immediately gasps.

"Y-You are Lady Ceris?" She asked excitedly.

"Yes...? How do you know my name?" I ask weirdly.

"M'lady, what being doesn't know who you are! You're the queen who tried to challenge your fate. The mighty warrior! So many people told me of your amazing deeds my lady! The one who defeated the wicked king Herobrine! Even the Twelve Mincraftians have heard about you an your deeds dear."

"Well that's certainly a bit to take in..." I say, slightly shocked on what she had just said.

"Of course it is dear. It's not everyday you get reconnected by gods and goddesses now is it?" She said, but then looked back at the glowing box.

I was recognize by the Twelve Mincraftians? Oh my Notch... how... when... who-

Alex sighed, "Well, I got you into the system. However, the soonest opening for a tour of the place is in two to three hours. I-Is that okay? I can try to get you in with someone sooner, but I can't guarantee I-" She was saying, before I interrupted.

"I'm sorry for interrupting, but you should give the sooner appointments to the people here before me. I'm in no hurry." I say politely. Alex smiles.

"Thank you for understand my lady, most people unfortunately don't normally understand." She mentioned rather sadly.

"I'm so sorry." I say apologetic.

"It's not your fault sweetheart. Now! Please take a seat, I'll get someone to show you around in two hours."

I smile. "Thank you," I say before taking a seat from across the door.

A quite a lot of people came into the door in a matter of minuets. Most from Frostborne and/or the horde.
Are they in the middle of a battle or something? I thought as I grew a bit anxious.

After a while, more and more people started filing in the office space. Slowly, more and more Frostborne knights filled the room, compleatly outnumbering the Nether solders in the room.

I overheard people talking about it. How Frostborne was fighting against the Nether at the far plains. A few said that the battle was nothing less than a bloodbath. I quickly got nervous for my friends and allies in the overworld. But, I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard a familiar voice,

"Hello, um, Ceris right?"

I look up to see a young woman standing there. She was Azura's co-captain. We had met a month or two before the Nether-End attack. I remember her to be a sweet, yet a quite tempered young woman.

"Yes. If my memory serves me right, you are Lady Dexter? The other co-captain of the Elytra squadron. Am I right?" I ask.

"Y-Yes! I'm surprised you remember me..." She said. "Um, is this seat taken m'lady?"

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