Abigail's suspision -Both

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He angrily dragged me towards a very large restaurant. It was a huge -looked to be two stories- cream colored building. It looked extremely extravagant. I followed quickly behind Crevan, as I felt a pit in my stomach.

Crevan was the first to walk in and held open the door for me, in a completely different mood. I thank him, and the waiter has us seated, and got us both menus. I looked at the menu anxiously as a lot of these were quite over $40, even for just one-two things!

  "Hey Ceris?" He asked. I peeked up at him to see him holding a bouquet of flowers. Roses in fact. It was a whole arrangement of beautiful, red roses. I smile, yet a tad bit confused. Wasn't he just mad five minuets ago?

  He slid them over to me, and I pick them up before looking back at him. "Thank you?" I say, trying to smile.

  "You're welcome! I assumed you liked roses, so I got them for you!" He said, almost instantly after I spoke.

  "There beautiful! But... don't mind me saying this, but I thought you were angry?" I mumble.

  He looked at me confused. "Angry? At who doll? And for what reason?"

  "Me? For not dressing right?"

  Crevan shrugged, "I have no clue what you're talking about Ceris!"

  I was about to say something, but the waiter came up to our table and smiled. "Hello you two! What can I get you to drink! Any appetizers?"

  "We would like two of the choris fruit salad, breadsticks, and... oh! And a bottle of red wine!" he said, pointing to which one he wanted. "Now what do you want Ceris?"

  I quietly shook my head. I didn't want -nor could I really afford anything else- and plus, I read that the water's only ninety-nine cents, so I'll be fine.

  He frowned, sent the waiter away, and he took a sip of water, "If this is about how much you brought, you do know I can cover for you."

  "It's fine! I really didn't want anything. I'm not really that hungry anyway, and water's alright!" I say. Crevan sighed, and sat back in his chair.

"You know I'm just trying to be nice." He rolled his eyes. "I don't understand why you're taking her side in this, and not mine. Thought we were friends."

My eyes widen, "W-We are friends! Both you and Abigail are my friends!" I stutter.

"But you just met her while we've known each other for a while. Who knows what her true intentions are!"

I stay quiet, and look at the ground. Abigail doesn't seem to have any malicious intentions towards me. She's never said or done anything that I view to be anywhere close to being a red flag... if anything, they were all green! Is he just being paranoid, or am I missing something...?

His eyes soften. "Look, I'm not implying anything. I don't know her like you do. But, you should watch your back around her... she is still Nether. They're bad news."

I was about to interject about his thing with people of Nether origin, when the waiter came up with the salad, dishes, and a bottle of wine. I just bit my tong and smiled at the waiter, not wanting to argue in out in public. They smiled back, as they placed the salad plates in front of both of us, along with the wine glasses.

The dinner went by really slowly, as I quickly began to feel drained due to this conversation. We ate our food, paid, and headed head out. I would've preferred to walk home myself, but he insisted on walking with me. He walked me right home, and up to the door. I unlock the door, step in, and turn to face him. He handed me my flowers, and smiled.

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