(Old Draft) The Stars-Abby

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(Honestly, may just post this chapter, since it was done, not to mention it's my excuse to rant about random some space facts I knew since I was 4! This book is still being rewritten, I know, but I thought it'd help while I cry in Cerigail writers block😅)

  I awake in my room. Just like I thought, I fell asleep. I sit up and look around. It was dark, the only thing giving it my room light was the moon peaking through my open window. My curtains danced in the wind.

  Ugh... that was odd. I thought quite grimly. I sit up and rub my eyes and quickly check my phone to see it was one in the morning. I glance down to where Ceris had been, only to see her not there.

Hm... where did she go? I thought, going to close the window. Although Alex had went back to her mother, and the temperature was rather nice again, it's still a little too cold to keep windows open, especially at night. But before I could fully shut the window, I see Ceris! She's sitting on the small roof that overlooked my backyard. She was in one of the sets of pajamas that I had bought this morning. On top of that, she had a hoodie of mine on.

She must have found the clothes I picked up at the store.

I found myself staring at her for quite a while. Sure, Ceris sure looks beautiful in the moonlight; the way it beams down upon her and makes her skin glow is absolutely stunning, breathtaking, but that wasn't the whole reason...

What's she doing up here so late... it's dark, and dangerous to be out. I thought as my stomach began to churn.

After a second or two, Ceris slowly got up and continues to stare at the stares that filled the night sky. The feeling in my stomach because unbearable at this point.

"H—Hey... Ceris?" I call out to her, carefully not to be too loud. I still got neighbors after all. She quickly turns to me a little startled.

"Oh! Abigail... what are you doing up so early?" She asks, fidgeting with the strings on the hoodie she wore. She kept her gaze down.

I quickly get a pair of slippers on. "I could say the same for you too..." I climb out the window and walk towards her. She sits back down, sitting with her legs crossed. I sit down next to her, letting my legs hang off the roof. "Are you okay Ceris?"

  She pauses. "No... not really." Ceris replies, leaning on my shoulder. I wrap my arm around her waist.

  "Do you wanna talk about it?" I offer, but she shook her head.

  "Not really..." She mumbles. I respect her wishes and don't question any further, instead I just look up at the start, enjoying her company before I quickly remember something I wanted to inform her of.

"Oh! Ceris?" I tap her shoulder, and she jolts, looking at me. "I'm sorry if I startled you. I... just thought I'd tell you I'm picking up a few more hours this week. Alex left back to her mom for the season, and staff is running short. I may be getting home a bit later in the night."

There was a small pause. "So no sleepy time cuddles?" She pouts, looking up at me. My heart melts.

"Aw... maybe not as often as we do now sadly." I admit and Ceris looks at the ground sadly, which just makes me sad. There was a small pause before I smile. "Guess I have to give you all the cuddles now!" I beam as I pick her up and pull her on my lap and planted kisses all over her face. She squeaks, her face beet red.

"A—Abby!" She squeaks like a mouse, trying to hide her face. "I'm gonna fall!"

  "No you won't my amethyst!" I say, holding her tight, doubly making sure she won't fall before planting one last kiss on her forehead. "I won't let you fall!" She blushes and wraps her arms around me.

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