A small act of kindness- Abby

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I watched as Ceris flinched a bit, looking at the group of Enderwatchers. Specifically when she saw one very particular end mage.

One of the other three, the End Dancer Zeganirn, noticed Ceris and I, and ran up to her giving her a big hug. He said something in endermen, and made Ceris smile,

"I missed you too buddy!" She said, patting his head.

"Ceris!" Vordus said, running over to her, and picking her up in a hug.

I smile watching the three finally united. To be honest, it made me miss my home in the Nether... and my dad.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Ceris, the mighty End Matriarch!" The End mage said.

I could see Ceris's bright, beautiful smile dim, as she walked over to the exiled endkin.

"Lance." She said bitterly, and he laughed.

"Notch, how long has it been?" He said.

"Not long enough." She muttered under her breath rather loudly. "I see you still have that... spark about you."

He laughed, "A couple years in the worser parts of the afterlife couldn't take that away! Though I am, surprised I didn't see you there."

Ceris seemed to be getting a bit uncomfortable around him, so I stepped in,

"Hey! I just remembered I have to show someone around, how about we take our food to go?" I lied.

Lance looked at me with discussed, "So, you're out of the Tartarus as well." He said snakily.

(I'm not good with naming places or anything in general, so I'll just use the actual names.)

Everyone's eyes widened, with mine included.

How did he know I- I thought.

Before he could say anything in response, Ceris dragged me away from him. I was scared she would've been mad at me, like all the others were, but to my surprise, she seemed calm.

She dragged me to the door, out of the restaurant, and all the way to the park. That's when she stopped, and let go of my hand. She was looking away from me, so I didn't know if she'd be mad or not? So all I did was stay silent, and catch my breath.

Ceris than teleported off, and my eyes scanned around for her. When I came to the conclusion that she was gone, I started to tear up, and sat on the park bench behind me and cry.

I don't tell many people I was sent to Tartarus, mainly because of the fact anyone I did left me or call me a monster. That's why I started to hide my confident persona, along with my glowing white eyes.

Tartarus is the place Herobrine sends the worst of the worst people. Long ago, he sent people there for all eternity and with no way out. That is before we all started evolving ourselves, and the Mincraftians gave time constraints, (though, you can still be held there for all eternity.) they also made it so if you want to get out sooner than your time, you'd have to be judged by them, and convince them that you have changed.

So now, Tartarus is pretty much some sort of high tech prison. You can be sent back, even if you were assigned a good afterlife from the beginning, and you may leave based on what you have done. But, some people never get the opportunity to leave. It's hard to get out sooner than your time, but thankfully I was lucky enough to get out early. However, my dad wasn't so lucky.

I sigh sadly, before I hear another teleport. I look up to see Ceris standing there with a bag of pretzels and two sodas.

"You wanted to eat, yet I'm pretty sure you didn't want to deal with mister 'the world revolves around me'. I hope I got at least something you like." She said, holding out the bag to let me pick something.

I took a pepperoni pretzel from the bag, and a small container of cheese sauce. She sat down next to me, and put the bag down next to her. Ceris took out a normal, salted pretzel and tilted her head in confusion,

"What is this? And why is it so weirdly shaped?" She asked which made me laugh,

"It's a pretzel! Go on! Try it!" I say.

She looked at me, than the pretzel, than put it over her face like they were a pair of glasses.

"Don't see how these would be affective against chemicals if they splash in your eyes?"

I burst out laughing, "Oh my Notch, Ceris! No! That's not what a pretzel does!" I say trying to stop.

The former End Matriarch looks at me confused. I take the pretzel from her and break a piece off, and dip it in cheese before handing it to her.

"You're supposed to eat a pretzel, not wear it." I say, and she chuckled a bit.

"Now I can see why you laughed to that. I'd laugh too if someone tried to wear a piece of chorus fruit." She laughed.

"Now come on! Try it- as food, not an accessory." I add.

She laughed before picking up the pretzel piece, and popped it in her mouth. After a few seconds, her eyes widened.

"Where has this been my whole life?" She said before eating more.

My smile brightens seeing her happy, especially after what happened to her today.

She finished her pretzel, and looked back at me, "Is all the food here this awesome?"

I giggle, "Most are! Though a pretzel is just a snack food, there is so much other stuff though!"

Ceris smiled for a brief moment, before shaking her head, "That sounds fun, but I should probably get go-"

Before she could continue, we hear someone shout something in endermen. We turn to see Zeg and Vordus running over,

"Ceris!" The dragonser said.

"Yes Vordus? Zeg? Is something wrong? An atta-" Before she could finish, Vordus pat her on the head,

"Calm down Ceris! Nothing is wrong m'lady. It's just, I'm sorry for Lance earlier. To the both of you." He said, talking to the both of us.

"It shouldn't be you two apologizing to us." Ceris said, looking at the ground.

There was a bit of an awkward silence for a while, so I tried to get off that topic and switch to something else.

"So... do you know where you're going to stay Ceris? Have any family or friends that passed that you can stay with?"

She looked at me confused, "Stay with?"

I nod, "Of corse! Did you think all those fancy buildings we passed were just for show? People do live in them!" I say.

"... Well, uh. Vordus? Could I stay with you for the night?" She asked a little embarrassment.

He frowned, "I'm sorry. It's not that we don't have the space- it's just- well." he leaned over, "Ever since we died we have been living with Lance since we had nowhere to stay, and-"

"Say no more. And, hey it's okay! I-I'll think of something!" She said, being optimistic.

I smile, and tap Ceris on the shoulder, "H-Hey! Um... If you need, you can certainly stay with me? I have more than enough space for two people!" I suggested.

"What about Dexter and Daryll? Do they have a safe place to stay?" Ceris asked.

I nod, "Mhm! Daryll is staying with Patrick's old mentor and friend, Sir Theo. Meanwhile for Dexter. They're staying with a friend from the Elytra Corps."

Ceris looks away to ponder the decision for a few minutes. When she looks back, she grins,

"Well, if they are all taken care of... why not?" She said.

I grin back at her, "Well then, come on! I have to get you all settled in!" I say, dragging the former End Matriarch to my home.

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