I no way I'm in...- Ceris

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"What are you doing here. Breaking in with this monstrous girl!"

Suddenly, I could see Abby being picked up off the ground by three guards, with Steve following, showing me.

I felt the world swirling around me, like I was going through a portal of some sort. Even with that, I got up, and managed to stand on my shaking legs, even though I felt completely exhausted, and my head throbbed in pain. I didn't want harm to come to my new friends!

"L-Let them... go!" I try to scream, however it only came out as some sort of quiet whisper.

Notch looked over at me, a little surprised. "And who was going to tell me the legendary End Matriarch was here?" He asked, looking back at the guards. They both shrugged. "Let them go." He barked at the guards.

Steve and Abby were unhanded. Steve walked over to Notch, whilst Abby ran over to me, and hugged me tightly. However... she ran a little too fast, and I almost toppled over like a bowling pin by the ginger-haired woman.

She whispered something in my ear, however I was a little too drowsy to comprehend what she said. I just stood there, supported by the netherkin girl, my arms around her, and my head resting on her shoulder. Sooner or later, I felt myself drifting off.


I wake up feeling the warm rays of sunlight hitting my eyelids. I roll over onto my back and look up at the ceiling.

What was all of that? I thought, brushing my bangs back, so I can see out of both my eyes. Was that some sort of dream? Weird.

My luminous eyes scanned the guest bedroom. Everything as how it was yesterday, with the exception of one person. Where is Abby? I thought.

I sat up, and quickly smelled something delicious coming from downstairs. I quickly made my bed, and was about to head downstairs when I saw something lying across a chair in the room. It was a blue hoodie. I pick it up, and look into the mirror, and decided to toss it on over what I was wearing -which was a simple, back tank top and black shorts.

The hoodie was quite oversized. The baggy sleeves ending around the tips of my fingers, giving me super flappy sleeves -which I don't mind at all. The hoodie was a dark blue with a grass block patch in the center of it. I liked how comfy it was, so I decided to wear it whilst going downstairs to find out what that smell was!

But when I walked downstairs, and there was Abby! She was at the sink washing a few dishes. I walked up to her.

"Oh! Good morning sleeping beauty! How did you sleep?" She asked, putting a plate in the wash. I rub my eyes, and pick up the sponge.

"I slept well, but, you know I could do the dishes for you? I told you, don't have a job, so I want to help in some way, shape, or form!" I say, before picking up a glass. I didn't like doing the dishes, but I'd do it to help out Abigail. She's a good friend after all!

"If you're out of a job, then I think I can help you." A voice said from behind me. I turn around and drop my sponge. Notch was standing there, with Steve next to him. Okay! Not a dream!

"What- you- huh-" I try to form a sentence, but nothing worked.

"Steve filled me in on why you three were there after hours. Since you three did not intend to be destructive in any way, and throwing her friends in Tartarus is no way to meet someone, especially a potential member of the Twelve- I will be letting you three go with only a warning."

Wait... Potential member. What...!

"I'm sorry, but what do you mean by a 'potential member' of the twelve?" I ask.

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