Abigail's friend and marshmellow pancakes- both

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(A/N: Happy pride month to my fellow alphabet mafia members (people in the LGBTQIA+ community if you are unaware of the term)! I don't really know what to say... but uh, happy pride month! Stay safe! Let's be us! And love is love!)

(Abigail's POV:)
I wake up, in Ceris's room, my arms wrapped around her. We were spooning, with me being the big spoon. I carefully get up, and look at her. Her face was tear stained, and her body was restless as she slept, uneasily.

My face softened, and a frown appeared on my face.

She really didn't seem happy here in the afterlife. She is still desperate to get back to her people... just like I was... I thought, remembering my wanting nothing more then to go home after I had died.

I sigh, and walk back to my room, and sat on my bed. I wanted to try and help her feel welcome here... especially after the way she had died. She has no idea what will happen to them, or what good is happening now.

Maybe... maybe this is a job for a good friend? I thought, taking my cellphone out of my pocket, and quickly put in a few numbers.

My phone ringed for a bit, before someone picked up.

"Abigail? It's four in the morning? What are you doing awake?" Alexbrine asked, her voice drowsy and less energetic then it normally is.

"Sorry for waking you up Mrs. Brine, but... what is the death schedule look like for the next few days?" I ask.

I hear a sigh, and a few clicks, "Looks a little below average. We might not need as many people today." She said.

A smile appears on my face, "I-Is there any chance I can get the next day or two off? Please? Even if I have to put in more hours on my days off."

"Why is that dear? Is everything okay" She asked. "Are you dying again?"

I giggle a little, but sigh, "No... it's Ceris. She's having a hard time adjusting to this place then the others did, and I want to make sure she can actually Rest In Peace." I say, trying not to expose too much information.

AlexBrine sighed, "You never stop with your work. Fine. If you promise to put in the extra hours, you can have the next two days off." She said.

"Thank you Mrs. Brine! Thank you so much!" I say, smiling.

"Heh. However, if you keep calling me in the... middle of the night, I might... just rethink my decision." She joked, yawning in between a few words.

"Right! Goodnight AlexBrine! Tell Herobrine to say 'hi' to my dad for me!" I say.

"Gotcha, Now go back to sleep ya crazy kid." She said.

"Okay! I'll try, bye!" I say, hanging up the phone.

However, instead of going back to bed, I put on a new pair of clothes, and my shoes, and walk out of my house. It was still dark out, but, his shift is going to end soon. Maybe I can try and catch him before he leaves? Though there is no grantee I can actually talk to him... Steve is a busy man after all.

Steve, my friend, is one of the Twelve Mincraftians. He is the son of Notch, and is one of my best friends! We both don't get much of a chance to see one another, because of how busy we normally are. If we ever do get the chance to see each other, it's normally over a cup of coffee, or we bump into each other around the afterlife when I'm giving the newer ones a tour, and he's running errands for his father, Notch.

It took me a bit, but I made it to the Minecraftians main building, where I see Steve walking out. I could tell it was his, since he has quite a distinct look.

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