The Vision-Abby

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  I couldn't see anything... other than darkness. I felt like I was floating? It was warm on my back, like I'm on top a lava lake; however, facing up was freezing, just like I was back in Glacierford.

  Another odd thing is, I can feel myself moving my body around, even opening my eyes and splashing around in the—what I presume to be—lava. Yet I cannot see/feel myself or anything around me, only feel it, but not hear or see. It's puzzling.

  The last thing I remember is doing some shopping before coming home and laying down next to Ceris. I must be asleep then? Hm... I'm self aware too? Odd.

"I had another dream of her again." I heard a voice speak in my right ear. It sounded like Rain almost? "She was... she was standing in front of me with the king's crown on her head."

In my left ear, I heard someone place down something paper-like—like a book or file of papers—before speaking in a British accent. "You're getting these far more often since the last hunt. You've been sleeping less and less. I worry you won't be able to defend yourself when Naeus attacks!"

"I mean not to worry you Princess. I thought I'd let you know what's been on my mind lately." He spoke again, the exhaustion showing through his voice. I frown. I heard footsteps go from my left ear to my right, and a small sound of an embrace almost.

  "Are you afraid?" I heard the girl ask.

  "Horrified." He answers softly. "I'm sorry to burden you Princess. You have enough to worry about. I shouldn't be dumping more weight on your shoulders."

There was a small pause. "The embers of the End Empire is in our hands now Rain. If our burdens are stuffed down, they will slowly snuff out that dying fire we must protect. To ensure the future of all we know, we need to tell each other these things! We must!" The girl addresses, her tone was warm and comforting.

I couldn't help but smile. I hold no ill-will towards Rain. At least not anymore. Though we could never go back to the way we were... I cannot help but care for him. I'm glad whoever she is makes him just as happy as I used to make him. I hope he can move on easy.

"Please... tell me. I want to help!" She spoke again.

It took a few seconds, but Rain finally responds. "I saw Abigail." He began. I felt my eyes widen. "She... she was on the Nether King's throne. Completely decked out in netherite armor, and even a new spear. Her presence felt... divine, yet mortal; pure, yet sinister. It's hard to describe." He rambles slightly before I hear him beginning to cry. I feel my hear ache in my chest.

The girl whisperers quietly in his ear. "Shhh... it's okay. I'm here for you Rain. Was there anyone else there?"

"Yes... there was." He pauses. "I never saw her face, but... she sat beside her on the throne. She felt familiar... live I've seen her before!" He remarks. "But even with that feeling, she doesn't look nor sounds like anyone I know."

Sounds? I thought.

"Sounds?" The girl comments, having the same thoughts I am.

"Y—Yes! Once I see them, the girl beside her giggles a little before they both speak." Rain takes in a breath.

  "What did the two of them say?" The girl asks.

  "They both said: 'beware the Crypt.'" He answers.

  "You think they meant the Watcher's Crypt? The one Zeganirn told me of before..." The girl stops suddenly, and huffs quietly.

  "Stella? Are you okay?" He asks the girls.

  So Stella is her name? I thought. But, what is this crypt all about?

  "It's getting late." She whispers. "We should head back to the camp with the others. Kane will worry!" I hear a few footsteps—what I assume to be the girl—try to walk away before...

  "But wait..." Rain shouts to her, catching both of our attention. "You're telling we must communicate our burdens yet here you are keeping yours from me."

  The girl stops in her tracks, slowly turning to him. "What are you suggesting by that?" The girl giggles.

"I think you know exactly what I am suggesting, Princess. I noticed how silent you were at dinner, and you didn't act like your usual bubbly self. I know there's something on your mind; you can say to convince me otherwise."

The girl—Stella—went silent for a minute, before I heard a quiet sob. "I can't get past you can I?" She whimpers. The snow crunching under her feet as she quickly ran to him, hugging him tight. "I can't keep pretending anymore."

"Then don't pretend... tell me." Rain whispers.

The princess cries in his arms for a few seconds before answering. "I miss them..." She whispers softly. I could hardly hear her. "Ceris... Lance... The Enderwatchers... everyone. I miss them all so much."

Rain pauses for a few minutes, letting the girl cry as he hugs her. I'm not sure he even knows how to comfort her... this is quite a difficult situation to say the least.

"The Watchers have reunited with their lost loved ones now. They're free from the misery of war. Now we must work to ensure that the fire of the End burns brighter than ever before!" Rain whispers to the girl.

It was silent again for a minute or two before she spoke again. "... I know... they get to rest after a life of fighting. It's our turn to take the torch... but I cannot deny the fact that it's... weird. Knowing you're completely alone in the world..."

I frown, my heart sinking in my chest. Poor girl... no one should have to feel like that.

"You're not alone Stella! You've got Ciara, Kane—"

"That's not what I mean..." She interrupts. "I have no other family. She was all I had left, and now... she's gone from this world."

My eyes widen. Ceris still had a living family? ...I guess there is literally a whole other life she lived before we met... makes sense I still don't completely know her personal life! Then again, I never asked.

  But... even any books I have read on her never shown her having any sort of family. I can assume she tried to keep any sort of family she had secret—for their safety—but never have I assume they were still alive. I mean, every book I've ever read or legend I have ever heard has also portrayed her to be a strong, invisible goddess, which she is, but said nothing about her warm and cuddly side

"She loved the stars... didn't she?" Rain questions.

"Indeed she did, but why bring up the stars?"

"Think of her when you look up at a star-filled sky. Because just like how she watched those very stars, she is now up there watching you—the girl she raised—grow into the Queen she knew you'd be."

A bittersweet smile slowly found it's way on my face. There was one last pause. "Thank you..." The girl whispers.

  "No worries Princess. Let's get you back to the camp! We will be home by tomorrow morning!" Rain whispers to her.

  I could no longer hear the two of them talking, and quickly felt like I was sinking deeper into a pit of lava instead of simply floating on top...


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