Can beat a horde, but can't roller skate -Both

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(Ceris's POV:)

"Are you sure I can do this?" I ask, clinging to the wall. Abby smiled brightly, reaching out to me.

"Of course you can! I believe in you, and so should you!" She said, standing perfectly normal.

Since Abigail was much more experienced, she got a pair of these things she called 'rollerblades' meanwhile I, having no experience at all, got a pair of what she called 'roller skates'. They have two wheels on each side, and looked a lot more stable than hers which had three wheels down the center.

I slip, and fall down... again... while trying to skate over to her. She helped me, "Are you okay Ceris?"I nod.

"Y-Yeah! I'm okay Abby." I say, slightly blushing at her touch. 

With Abigail's help, I shuffled over the weird carpet and towards the skating rink. The rink was majorly empty, and surrounded by these colorful barricades that seemed to be soft-ish, while the walls were black with colorful stripes, and the best part was a... I don't even know what it's called! It was a silver block which slowly spun around, and shown in the spotlight! It looked so awesome! 

Abby took the first step on the wood flooring, and skated a few steps away, before twirling around, her long hair dancing around her like a flame. "C'mon! You got this Ceris!" She said, trying to cheer me on.

I grip tightly onto the walls, and step onto the slippery hardwood flooring. My grip tightened on the wall, as I almost fell first step I took.

"Okay! Now try balance yourself! Stand up straight, and go from there!" She cheered. "Believe in yourself! That is one of the most important things as well!" 

"Thankfully you believe in me enough for the both of us..." I mumble jokingly while trying to gain my balance 

Abigail giggled, and I see a little tick mark appear on her forehead, "I'll be sure to drop you while we skate around!" She joked... I think. 

Eventually, I got to the point where I could balance without holding the walls. Turns out calming down, and trying to fix small errors until you wipe out everything is a good method! Abby smiled, seeming quite proud. "Okay, now try skating over to me! Keep your balance so you don't fall!" I push off from the wall, to try and get some momentum. Thankfully that one push got me all the way towards Abby.

"There!" She smiled, "You kind of cheated, but, I'll let it slide. You are new at this! Now, there is something similar the overworld has called 'ice skating'. Have you ever ice skated before?" I shook my head. 

"I once took Stella when she was younger, however I myself have never actually ice skated." 

"Alright, well..." She took my hand. "Just hold onto me until you get the hang of it. Just... don't drag me down with you..." I laugh, 

"As long as you don't drop me." I said, referring to what she said before. Her face turns a light shade of red, "Y-You did hear me I guess..." She asked, and I nod. 

"Don't worry, I know that was a joke. You don't need to stress about it!" I say, and she smiled.

"Thank you! Now, shall we?" She asked?"

"We shall!" I said, as Abby pushed off using the toe of her skate. 

For the beginning portion, I was just trying to copy what Abigail was doing, and take her advice. It took a bit, but I was slowly getting the hang of it! I was getting so into the motion, that I was almost completely oblivious of my surroundings. Just step, and push off.





"Oooo! I love this song!" Abigail mumbled, complimenting the song that was playing, "looking at the stars~ admiring from afar~" she sung along to the tune. I think it was called...something in October? I forget the first part.

I looked up at her, and I could feel my face slowly heat up. The light that was reflected off the spinning cube had shown on her face. Her soft face, and her shining dark brown eyes had shone so bright from the reflected light, just like the sunlight had made them look earlier this morning. And just like the last time, I had a similar reaction. But instead of playing it cool...

Skiiiiiirrrrttt- WAM!

(Abigail's POV:)

"Ceris! Are you okay?" I asked, after Ceris had not only slipped, and skirted on the floor, but also ran into the non-patted wall! Oh my Notch, she might actually be coming down with a cold or something! How did I not notice sooner?

Ceris held her now scraped, and bleeding knee, "Ow... y-yup! I'm okay..." She said, clearly biting back the pain. But it was clear on her face.

I look around at all the people that were now staring at us, "Looks like you attracted a bit of a crowd." a familar man said, walking up to us. 

"Lance? What are you- ow... doing here..." Ceris hissed a little, as I could see a small bruise form on her face. 

"Easy dragon. I was going to do some skating myself. I'm so glad I just got here in time to see that!" He laughed. 

The former queen huffed, "Well... yeah... I bet you aren't even that good at it!" 

The mage laughed, before backing up a bit, and doing some sort of dramatic spin as he gracefully danced circles around us. Heck, even I'm not that good! "Think again Ceris!" 

I scoff at that arrogant boy, and help Ceris up, and I roll the two of us away from flamboyant, rouge mage, and the staring crowd of people. We walk up to the place we got our skates, gave him our skates in return for our shoes, and I help her walk out. 

The queen looked at the ground embarrassed. "I-I'm sorry that I fell, you seemed to be having a lot of fun before I did..." I shook my head.

"It's fine Ceris! I'm just glad you're okay! The place is just down the road! We can come back another time! I could even teach you how to play more video games, or even some cool tricks if you're up for it!" I offer, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. 

I opened the door, and plopped Ceris down on the couch, and gave her a rag and few bandages to clean and wrap the wounds she had gotten. I went upstairs to get changed out of my flannel, shirt, and jeans, and into an oversized shirt and shorts. 

As I was taking off the buttons on my flannel to be washed, I heard Ceris walk into her room. I stop what I was doing, and walk towards her room, to go check up on he, since she did take quite a tumble back there. I open the door to see the curtains closed, and the room somewhat dark.

"Hey? You okay?" I ask, poking my head in to see Ceris lying down, face first in the pillow. I close the door behind me, and walk over and tap her on the shoulder. She rolls over and looks up at me. 

"Huh? Oh. Yeah! Just a little tired." The queen said, a smile on her face.

"Oh! Uh... d-do you mind if I lie down with you Ceris?" I ask, a little blush dusted my face. What! I did like cuddling with her last night, but I do want to have her permission before just falling asleep. She smiled, moved over to let me climb in next to her. She tossed the blanket over the two of us, and slowly fell asleep on my chest. I smiled as I looked down at Ceris. Her short hair fell into her face, and I felt my face heat up a bit.

"Rest well Ceris..." I yawn, brushing back the few loose strands of her hair behind her ear, as I drifted off to sleep as well.

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