Finally! -Both

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(Abby's POV:)

  It was nice waking up next to Ceris again. Being able to hold her close and play with her hair, or listen to her softly breathe as I watch the sun paint her skin in a soft golden warmth, and of course, the flustered reaction to waking up here was always so adorable. I did missed being able to holding her when she was gone, and based on her cuddles I assume she did too.

  Anyway, I just finished getting dressed for the day while Ceris ate breakfast downstairs. I originally wanted to surprise her with a large breakfast, but when she told me she didn't eat anything yesterday, I knew I didn't have time for that.

We have to head over to the main Minecraftians' building in the city to be interviewed about Crevan. It's all for the cause of getting him the time in Tartarus he deserves. For all he put her and other young rulers through, and the lives he's taken, he deserves eternity there.

No Abby— You shouldn't wish that on others! It's a horrific prison filled of chaos and terror. Be a bigger person and hope he gets sentenced accordingly to his crimes. Some part of me though. I assume this was the humane side of me.

He drove people to ending their own lives, and hurt others! He is the type of individual that deserves that afterlife. One of darkness and horror. And I hope he feels all the pain he put the people he hurt through! Another part though. I wholeheartedly agree —with what I assume to be the Nether in my blood— but I shake out of my thoughts.

  Okay! Ceris' outfit is lied out on the bed. I'm dressed. Alrighty!

  As I was heading out of the bedroom, I saw something in my closet peeking out. Knowing what it was, I sigh and hide it behind a huge hoodie. Ceris still doesn't know about that, nor do a lot of people. I at least want to be out to her before hanging it up. I thought, tucking the  thin fabric away before heading downstairs.

  "Oh! Abby!" Ceris said, putting her dishes in the sink before coming over to hug me. I smile and hug her back.

  "Hello there my little one! Now, are you full?" I ask, looking back at the container of soup. It was practically empty. When I look back she nodded with a smile.

  "Y-Yes I did! Thank you Abby... the soup was amazing! It was the taste of home I needed." She said before tilting her head to the side. "But how did you know what to make? It's in no recipe book from what I know!"

I smile. "Well no it's not, but Vordus gave me the idea and recipe when I asked him what I should make you last night!"

Ceris paused and looked at my outfit, before looking back up at me. "Are you going someplace?" She asked curiously.

Quickly I nod. "Yeah... about that. We have to head over to the main building in the city. Notch wants to interview all the past "lovers" of... you know who, so he can begin his court trial soon."

She hung her head —letting it rest in my neck— and asked. "Do I have to go Abby?" I sigh, and play with her hair which is still damp from the shower we took.

"Unfortunately. Notch requests you be there. But don't worry! I'll be there with you my little angel! But, that's not for a bit, and we can do something fun after?"

  There was no response but I felt Ceris' face become really warm out of nowhere. I got confused. Her cheeks were flush, and her eyes refused to meet mine.

  "Hey? Are you okay Ceris?" I ask. "Are you running a fever?"

  She shook her head frantically. "I-I'm going to go get dressed now— okay bye!" She quickly said before darting up the stairs. I jump slightly.

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