(No thoughts, head empty, only fluff)-both

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(Hi you all! I apologize for the delayed update. Life's been getting a little hard recently, and motivation is kinda running slim. I have been writing a oneshot recently, so maybe watch out for that!

One last thing, a friend told me this, and I can't stop thinking about this:

Princess Abigail...

Princess Abigail.

Okay! That's that! Have a good day/night, and drink some water if you haven't, and, go to sleep if it's late! On with the chapter!)

Abigail's POV:

You filthy netherkin!

Damn. And I would've thought your kind would've been sent to Tartarus for what you do to us innocents

You all are nothing but a war mongering race! Gross, pathetic, greedy monsters!

I heard those sentences repeat in my head, over, and over again as I made my way back home.

Another rough day at work. I thought, tracing my thumb across my netherkin horn headband.

The more the war in life continued, the harder it also got for my people, up here and down there alike. I would usually tell Alex about this, being that her husband is the god of the underworld. However, I know all too well Alex isn't going to be my boss for much longer. The winter months aren't going to last much longer, and she wants to spend those days with her husband before she goes back to her mother. I know not to bother her now.

Letting out a heavy sigh, putting back on my smile before opening the wooden door. But when I do, I notice a few things. The main one of them being that my house was practically spotless! Not saying my house was a mess, but I was only gone for a few hours! I didn't expect everything to be done!

"Hey, Ceris? Did you all of-... oh?" I look over at the couch to see the end queen asleep on the couch. She seemed to have been folding clothes, towels, and other things before doing so.

"Hm..." She groaned slightly, shifting a bit before falling back asleep.

I let my smile go a bit, but not completely, as just seeing her made me feel a little better about all that happened at work today. I pick up a fuzzy blanket which she had folded, and draped it over her, before taking the basket of laundry upstairs to put away. I walked into my room, and began sorting both through what I could give Ceris that'll probably fit her, and my thoughts.

  Stupid Naeus. Stupid Stupid STUPID! I thought shoving a few pairs of skirts, or shorts in my dresser draws, before slamming it shut out of rage.

  Stupid me. A voice in my head said. You let him manipulate you. You let him grow in power. This is your fault.

  I slump onto my bed, teary eyed. I feel like I should just go and hide in a hole forever...

  That was until I saw a familiar glint of red, like a ruby, coming from my training area.

Ceris' POV:

I wake up to hearing something slam shut from upstairs. I jolt, and look around. I relax when I realize that I'm just at Abigail's house. Hm, odd, the basket is gone.

Sighing, I sit up and stretch. I guess Abigail's home! Maybe she's still up!

  A warm smile creeped onto my lips, as I picked up the fuzzy blanket, wrapped it around myself, before darting up the stairs.

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