Crevan -Ceris

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I walk around the park for a little bit, before I found a nice bench in the shade. I took a seat, and began to just look at the scenery, which helped a little bit with all the emotions going on at the moment. It was rather chilly today, and I began to wish I brought Abby's hoodie, which was soft and very fluffy.

She was just being hospitable. Even she admitted it. She's just being nice to me. That doesn't mean she likes me.... Plus friends do the stuff we do? Like cuddle, hold hands, play with each other's hair. Can't she just give me a sign that she likes me in turn- WAIT! HUH!

I facepalm, as my thoughts wouldn't leave me alone. No matter what I saw, heard, anything, just kept bringing me back to her. Even if it was subconscious! I couldn't stop thinking about her!

What is wrong with me... why am I feeling all of this? I thought, wrapping my arms around my stomach, slumping back. I have felt love before, but not like this! In fact, this has never happened to me before. Neither in life, or death.

Maybe... I should ask someone about this later? Not using myself as an example, of course, but-

Before I could finish my thought, I heard someone speak, "It really is you! I'd recognize that pretty face anywhere!"

I look up to see someone familiar standing there. Someone from life who I remembered quite well... for a multitude of reasons...

"Crevan? Am I right?" I ask, looking back up at the man.

He nodded, "Yup! That's me m'lady! Surprised you remember me. We haven't spoken since we've last seen each other."

Lord Crevan was once a lord over a part of the end, and also once a suitor who had asked for my hand when I had come of age, in end human years. To be honest, he was the one who was the closest to marring me, but was later rejected.

Zeganirn was the first to not be a fan of him, when he first came to the main island to get to know me better. Zeg almost bit his arm off when he tried to pet the angry enderman.

Lance was the next to say no to it, surprisingly. I'm not so sure why, and if anything, I thought he would be the first to want to marry me off, and have someone else he could possibly control to get power from. But to my surprise, he hated him, and wanted him out the very next day.

And lastly Vordus noticed, and the one to convince me to kick him out of our palace, and cancel the engagement. He, nor anyone else explained it, and just said they didn't think he'd be a good match for me. To be honest, I didn't really care for the guy, nor any of the other suitors, so I wasn't saddened about not marrying in life.

However, to this day, none of them ever told me anything since. Crevan was always quite a polite guy too, and a powerful ruler. So I never quite understood why they made me reject the marriage. His village had always done remarkably well, and had been one of our best trade partners for years. Maybe they just didn't like living with him?

"Do you mind if I sit with you m'lady?" He asked quite politely, pointing to the spot next to me. I shrug, and let him sit with me.

We just sat in silence for a couple minutes, unsure on what to talk to him about. I mean, how long has it been since I've seen him? To be honest, I didn't even know the guy die- Oh, wait. The Nether. Naeus- ugh. Just thinking about that guy gives me bad flashbacks...

He seemed to notice, and placed his hand on my shoulder. "Are you okay Ceris?" Crevan asked.

I nod, and let out a heavy sigh. "It's been a rough day, and thoughts of your death don't really make anything better."

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