Saving Ceris -both

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Ceris' POV:
-This partially takes place when Abigail was leaving her house to talk with Lance and the others-

I got up before Crevan did. It's still quite early, but he'll get mad if I'm not up making food for him. I can't cook either, so almost everyday he just hits me and lectures me on 'not being a good enough house-girlfriend' before he leaves for work. I'm constantly getting a bruise on my cheek from it... maybe I should just hide it with a bandage.

  Quickly snatching my grey blanket from under our bed I swiftly walk out of our room and to the kitchen. I stash it there to keep Abigail's scent strong... it's one of the only things that comforts me; however, the comforting smell was quickly fading from the cloth and replacing itself with his. I sigh, missing the warm feeling I got when seeing her.

Maybe she messaged me? I thought after getting the ingredients out. Quickly, I open a cluttered drawer to see my phone. I look around, before taking it, and slumping down against the counter. I frown seeing no new messages, but decided to read through her old ones instead.

I didn't get much time before I hear a familiar drawer from upstairs. Crevan was awake! I quickly power off my phone, put it back, and get to making breakfast for him. I was almost got caught with it last night trying to tell her everything wasn't fine... I don't want to risk that again. I butter the pan, and turned on the stove.

He came downstairs, and quickly bounced over to me, quite different than his reaction to seeing me yesterday —which was hardly paying me much mind until I messed something up— and hugged me from behind; forcefully and tightly. "Good morning darling!" He said as I shakily opened a packet of bacon.

"G-Good morning!" I say, dropping the few strips of pre-cooked bacon in the pan. He frowned.

"Isn't that an awful lot of food? We aren't expecting anyone else are we?" He asked.

I shook my head, looking back at him "N-No! I just thought..."

"You weren't trying to make yourself any of this? It is really unhealthy, and not good for your figure!" He said, looking me up an down. I shrink slightly, holding my own hands. Crevan smiled, holding my face. "Hey! You know I love you right? I'm just trying to help you!"

When I look up at him I nod, not wanting to make him mad. "Y-Yeah... I-I know hunny."

He leaned over and kissed my lips, before walking back up the stairs —to get dressed I assume— leaving me alone in the kitchen.

After a bit, I finished his breakfast, plated it, and left it on the table for him. It didn't look so bad! It was one of the first decent meals I've made for him. I... actually felt confident that I wouldn't be scolded! Speak of the devil, he he was now.

He came back down towel-drying his hair, all dressed in his work uniform. I straighten up, and put my smile back on. "Is my breakfast done?" He asked urgently. I nod quickly, pointing to the eggs and bacon I had made him.

"Here you go! Plated and everything! But if you're running late, I can always bag it and you can eat it on the way to work!" I say nervously.

He looked at the plate of food, than to me, and scowled. Crevan picked up the plate, and approached me. He was fuming! My smile faltered, and I backed up until I was practically on the counter. He was right in my face, looking down at me.

"Now Ceris... let me ask you a question." He said, picking up his fork, and flicked through the food I carefully made. "Does this look like eggs benedict to you?" He asked, quietly.

I hesitate on my next words. "Y-You didn't ask for anything special yesterday when I asked?"

He growled. "Well of course I didn't! I didn't know what I wanted for breakfast the next morning!"

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